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那位老人头发稀疏。The old man has lank hair.

好的饮食可以提高你的生活。A good diet can improve the lank of your life.

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他容貌清瘦,头发又稀又长,嗓音低沉。His visage was meagre , his hair lank and thin, and his voice hollow.

他倒立在一个水箱中,水箱外都盘着锁链。He was upside down in a tank of water with chains and lodes all around the lank.

思嘉打量着这个靠在廊柱上、跟里嚼着干草的瘦个子。She looked at the lank figure leaning against the porch column, chewing a straw.

而现在,这的确是令人欣慰的、新的治疗方法,尤其是药物很容易使用,而且不会使头发变得油腻,稀疏。It's reassuring to have new treatments, especially if they're easy to use, and won't leave me with greasy, lank hair.

试图突破既有的研究范式,为中国近代建筑历史研究提供新的视角和切入点。The author lank to break through the former patterns and provides new insight into Chinese modern architectural history.

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在我国一些经济发展较快的大、中城市中,因用地紧张,都大量兴建高层建筑。In the rapidly developing cities of our country, a large number of tall buildings have built because of the lank of land.

一个骨瘦如柴的男孩和他的妹妹站在街角,等着黄色的校车把他们带到他们各自的学校。All lank and bone, the boy stands at the corner with his younger sister, waiting for the yellow bus that takes them to their respective schools.

考虑液体质心发生偏移对液罐车做稳态圆周运动时侧倾稳定性的影响。When studying on the roll stability of the liquid lank vehicle on steady-state circular motion, the liquid center of mass migration is considered.

安普尔福思个子太大,坐在板凳上不舒服,老是左右挪动,双手先是握在一个膝盖上,过了一会又握在另外一个膝盖上。Ampleforth, too large to sit in comfort on the narrow bench, fidgeted from side to side, clasping his lank hands first round one knee, then round the other.

以正处在社会经济快速发展时期、宁波市郊九龙湖镇总体规划为例,检讨传统城市规划理念的缺陷。During the period of high-developing social economy, take Jiulong Lank Town macro-planning in Ningbo city for example. Analyse the limitation of traditional unban planning principle.

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在这条大陆的尽头就是暗夜幽魂那看不清面目的尖塔,他的水草般的头发遮住了他的眼睛一面受到帝皇光芒的直射。At the end of the sprawling broadway that led to Night Haunter's faceless tower stood the towering Prirnarch, his lank hair shielding his face from the light as the Delegation marched towards him.