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“所有非正式信息都伴随着危险”。All the dangers of informality come with it.

不过她喜欢他那自然不做作的举止But she liked his natural manner and informality.

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暂不论其好坏,网络滋生了“非正式”交流的恶习。For better or worse, the Internet breeds a nasty habit of informality.

唉,我的非正式称呼导致学生对我无所畏惧。Alas, my informality caused the students to have absolutely no fear of me.

你需要在传统意义上的正式和电邮的非正式中找到平衡。You need to strike a balance between traditional formality and e-mail informality.

你需要在传统意义上的正式和电邮的非正式中找到平衡。You need to strike a balance between traditional formality and e-mail informality.

农村民间金融是发生在农村地区的自发的非正规民间性金融活动。The rural folk finance is spontaneous informality folk finance existing in rural areas.

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除了有口语体与书面语体的区别外,还有正式和非正式语气的区别。Beside the difference between speech and writing there is a difference between formality and informality.

提倡坦率真诚的交流,不拘形式,开展对话。We will promote open and candid communications with emphasis on informality and on conversational exchanges.

玛丽和彼特都希望我对他们直呼其名,因为美国人一般比较随意。Both Mary and Peter wanted me to call them by their first names because they, as Americans, like informality.

许多民众赞扬这两位男士的日常行为,并将他们与令人脸红的某些中国官员进行对比。Many praised the informality of the two men's actions, contrasting them with status-conscious Chinese officials.

我国的心理咨询长期以来一直处于非正规化和非职业化的尴尬境地。Our country's psychological counseling has been in the situation of informality and non-career for a period of years.

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他29岁,有着深蓝色的眼镜,絮絮叨叨不拘礼节,是个活泼、热情、典型的美国人。He is 29 years old, with quiet blue eyes and a garrulous informality that is explosive, intense and distinctly American.

上帝会等其他团体做礼拜时不大拘泥形式,情感也就更加外露。Other groups such as the Church of God conduct their services with much more informality and a greater display of emotion.

由于香港倾斜日益走向正规化和承受能力的文化,快餐连锁店有一次去迎接它。As Hong Kong leans increasingly toward a culture of informality and affordability, the fast-food chain is there once more to meet it.

该作业的非正式形式并不意味著你可以随便拼凑,相反的,我要求文章结构紧凑、简明扼要且语法正确!Its informality in this sense does not however mean that you just cobble it together, for I do expect cohesion, conciseness and grammaticality!

可以预见,有一些人会对这些疏于形式、充斥着缩写的拼写方法不屑一顾,尽管此种方法在电话和电脑传输文件的过程中愈演愈烈。Some, predictably, turn up their noses at the informality and the abbreviated spellings that are rampant in bite-size, phone-based transmissions.

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在会议或谈判期间,美国人通常上些用塑料或纸盒子装的三明治和饮料。Sandwiches and drinks in plastic or boxes are served during conferences. – That is a typical example cited to indicate informality of the American.

意思是指出版电子本文考虑减轻副本和传播和非正式典型的过程,是不明确的。What it means to publish an electronic text in view of the ease of duplication and dissemination and the informality typical of the process, is not at all clear.

我们还应该加上说,这个理论基于科学和日常生活非正式的论点,在这个领域,逻辑分析没有什么帮助,也没有什么好名声。We should also add that the theory accounts for the informality of arguments in science and daily life, whereas logic is notoriously of little help in analyzing them.