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现在,尽管,投资者们战战兢兢。Now, though, investors are getting jittery.

股市是一个以混乱和疯狂波动而著称的系统。The stock market is a famously complex and jittery system.

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但是让她同事奇怪的是,紫宸从来没有胆怯过。But to her co-workers’ surprise Zichen had never been jittery.

金价急升,显出投资者已是惊弓之鸟。The surge in gold is a sign of how jittery investors have become.

如今的全球经济形势已经使得债券危机在美国和欧洲犹如头上悬刀,战战兢兢。For a global economy already jittery over sovereign debt risk in the U.

你抖得如此厉害以使别人用你的手来调马格丽塔酒。You're so jittery that people use your hands to blend their margaritas.

更多更新稍后放送。下一个被提上日程的更新将会是观察者模式的修正。More updates soon. Next on the list will probably be jittery spectating.

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席卷西方的“占领”运动也使政府感到风声鹤唳。It is also jittery about the "Occupy" movement that has been sweeping the West.

不过,中国海军的壮大也引起一些不安,特别是日本和印度。But China's naval expansion makes some jittery – particularly in Japan and India.

而央行至今还未能找到一个行之有效的方案,这导致股票和外汇市场中人心惶惶。Equity and currency markets are jittery as central bankers seek a lasting solution.

欧佩克的讨论久拖不决且被公开化,这让石油市场胆颤心惊。That the discussion has dragged on, and in a public way, has made oil markets jittery.

这个国家的领导人团结一致,让情绪紧张的人民相信,去投票选举是会平安无事的。The country's leaders closed ranks to reassure a jittery public that it was safe to vote.

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过量喝咖啡和能量饮料会使你变得太敏感,以致崩溃。Overdosing on coffee and energy drinks may cause you to become too jittery and then crash.

在如今这些神经过敏的市场,某一方面的好消息对于别的市场则有可能产生不可思议的不利影响。In today's jittery markets, good news on one front can have surprisingly bad effects elsewhere.

惊慌不安的投资者从股市等高风险资产抽回资金,转身投入美国公债.Jittery investors yanked money out of risky assets such as stocks and poured them into U.S. Treasuries.

现在依然是布什掌权,但奥巴马的责任在于告知战战兢兢的美国人,他打算采取什麽行动。It is still Bush's power to act now, but Obama's obligation to tell jittery Americans what he plans to do.

在信贷危机冲击下的全球金融市场风雨飘摇,而艺术品价格则是继续风雨无阻的高涨。Where global financial markets remain jittery after the credit crisis, art prices have climbed uninterruptedly.

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从中国政治委员的近期做法来看,他们似乎有些神经紧张。TO JUDGE from their recent actions, it would appear that China's political commissars are feeling rather jittery.

“它是无害的,人们饮用的量是有限的,”她说,“当人们感觉神经过敏的时候自然会停止引用。”"It's harmless because the amount people use is self limiting," she says. "People back off when they feel jittery.

这人神经有点问题,他过去曾穿着紧身衣在贝尔维那边乱逛,还在蹲监狱的时候把牢房里的床垫给烧了。He was jittery and sometime in the past he'd been in a straitjacket in Belle- vue, also had burned a mattress in a jail cell.