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虽然这些机构对于精英们来说不过是一个谈话场所,但它们确实促成了汉族人的反抗行动。Though these bodies were nothing more than talking shops for the elite, they did galvanise the Han gentry into action.

事实上,我希望它能有益于激起人们心中对自由人权的向往,让它在我们的国土上开花结果。Indeed, I hope that it will help galvanise forces that will usher in a new era of human liberty in our beloved motherland.

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在这个已经近乎自鸣得意的城市,现在是该市领导者激发人们行动起来的绝佳机会。This is an extraordinary opportunity for London's leadership to galvanise a city that was close to self-satisfied complacency.

他们曾被寄予期望能够唤醒峰会并击败反对派达成协议,但事实证明适得其反。They had been expected to galvanise the summit and steamroller opposition to an agreement, but in fact proved counterproductive.

此外,预计这项协定亦将帮助在国际层面促进对保护表演者的支持。It is further anticipated that the agreement will help to galvanise support for the protection of performers at international level.

旅游官员并不乐观,世界末日预测让人们心灰意懒,也帮助了海湾沿岸恢复。Tourism officials are less sanguine. All those doomsday predictions helped galvanise the response, and that has helped the Gulf coast recover.

不过,各国领导人在应对金融危机方面已经有所表现,那么,大灾难的疑虑可能会激起同样重要的集体行动。But global leaders have shown in their response to the financial crisis that fear of catastrophe can galvanise co-ordinated and collective action.

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不过,他也表示一些观察家质疑军事力量的展示是否会使得这个封闭的国家中的强硬派有所行动。But some observers are questioning whether the display of military power will simply galvanise the hardliners inside the isolated country, he says.

但是最初的摆脱困境虽然防止了银行系统的彻底崩溃,却没有刺激起贷款。But it is now grimly apparent that the initial bail-out, while it may have prevented an outright collapse of the banking system, failed to galvanise lending.

“尼日利亚几乎所有的东西都要依靠其他国家,因为它缺乏有效的科学政策以激发增长和发展,”他说。"Nigeria has depended on other nations for virtually everything because of the absence of an effective science and technology policy to galvanise growth and development," he said.

巴拉克·奥巴马总统试图唤醒议会和美国民众采取行动来制止因为大气中二氧化碳增多造成的全球气候灾难性改变。President Barack Obama is currently trying to galvanise Congress and the American public to take action to halt catastrophic climate change caused by rising levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.