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单纯的模仿要付出昂贵的成本,还可能因为不适合而失败。Pure imitation has to pay high costs and may fail due to unsuitability.

有黑色素瘤病史者不适合作为器官供者?。Unsuitability of organ donation from a patient with a history of melanoma ?

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在此情况下正弦电路功率理论逐渐呈现出不适应。As a result, the sine electric circuit power theory presents unsuitability gradually.

在这种情况下,继续使用完全基于旧数据得出的模型进行新预测显然不妥。In this case, it is obvious unsuitability to continue to use the model based on old data to make new forecast.

她希望她母亲会对巴顿先生宽厚一点,但是她的想法也没得逞。She'd hoped that her mother might relent a little about the unsuitability of Mr. Barton, but her mind was made up.

无机硒有较大的毒性,且不易被吸收,不适合人和动物使用。Apart from greater toxicity, inorganic selenium is defected by difficulty in absorption and unsuitability for human and animal.

从国际政治角度而言,全球气候治理的困境根植于治理主体与治理客体的不相适应。From the perspective of international politics, the dilemma in global climate governance roots in the unsuitability of the subject and object of the governance.

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随着社会主义市场经济体制的建立和健全,市领导县体制正逐渐显现出它的不适应性。As the socialist market economic system and the establishment of a sound, and municipal leaders of the county system is gradually emerging from its unsuitability.

政府对股市不适当的角色定位,使得我国股市成为“政策市”,造成对企业的隐性担保格局。Secondly, the unsuitability role of government cause that the stock market become the policy market, and result in the hidden hypothecation of government to corporation.

然而,由于钢带张力不适当或张力波动较大以及形状不均等各种原因,会对钢带卷取精度造成一定的影响。However, because unsuitability and fluctuation of the steel belt tension as well as the shape irregulation of the steel belt, there will exist some influence on precision.

“大一现象”主要表现为新生对全新环境的不适应,学习缺乏目的性和方向性,心理上的挫折感和孤独感。"The freshman phenomenon" mainly shows that the unsuitability to the new environment, the study which lacks goal and direction, and the feeling of setback and being alone.

如有告发现金不足,就算是有客户恳求,将会以有足够的证据证明此银行不能正常作业。The eventual denunciation of a failed withdrawal, even after consecutive solicitations from the clients, will be considered as proof with regards to the bank's unsuitability to operate.

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取保候审作为一种非羁押性的强制措施,在保证司法机关有效地行使司法权力,保障刑事诉讼的顺利进行方面发挥着重要作用。The difficulty in guaranteed pending trial has been the chronic malady that puzzles China criminal lawsuit, whose disorder and unsuitability in application has been the focus of society.

高校教务管理工作中存在多方面不良因素,直接影响了学校改革发展的进程,进而造成与新形势不相适应的状况。There exist many poor factors in teaching-affairs management in university that exerts direct effects on the reform and development of school and then leads to unsuitability for new situation.

在系统分析了大直径井段中普遍存在的钻井问题的基础上,指出当前深井大直径钻井技术的根本问题,是钻具、钻头、钻井装备与大直径井眼的工艺要求不相适应。It is pointed out that the essential drilling problem is the unsuitability of the drill pipe, drill collar, drill bit and drilling equipment for the needs of deep large diameter wellbore drilling.

该控制器克服了混合煤气工艺过程工况不稳定的不定因素所带来的影响,实时控制结果表明,这种控制器的采用是有效而又合乎实际的。The influence caused by the unsuitability of gas mixing process is overcome by the controller. The real-time control effects show that the application of this controller is effective and realisable.

在影响连轧张力的诸因素中,着重分析了电机指标不当对连轧张力的影响,并介绍了解决办法。In various factors which influence continuous rolling tension, this paper mainly analyzes the effect of unsuitability of motor's indexes on continuous rolling tension, and introduces solution methods.

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最近三年有事实证明从事或涉及其他不诚信或不正当之活动,显示其不适合担任业务员者。There is factual proof that the solicitor has been engaged or involved in other dishonest or improper activities in the past three years, demonstrating his or her unsuitability to work as a solicitor.