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钉子能钉进金属。Nails dent into metal.

那辆雪韦却连一个小坑也没有。The Chevvy , though , didn't have a dent.

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这块石头把汽车的顶棚砸出一个坑!The rock made a dent in the roof of the car.

你能将保险杠上的凹处修理好吗?Can you straighten out the dent in the bumper?

律师费将耗去我们一部分资金。The lawyer's fees will make a dent in our finances.

更为轻灵天然能吸收魔幻力。More lightly go properly natural can absorb magic dent.

我不像丹特那样是个英雄,所以我可以承受所有的罪。I can do those things because I'm not a hero, unlike Dent.

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柏林墙堤坝出现了凹陷,一个严重的凹陷。That was one dent in the dam-like Berlin Wall, and a big one.

但它将使我们关注到堆积成山的垃圾场。But it will make a dent in the mountains of trash that pile up.

我们汽车挡泥板上的凹痕可以在汽车修理厂敲平。The dent on the wing of our car can be beaten out at the garage.

乒乓球上有个凹陷,你怎样能使它变回原形?This table-tennis ball has a dent. How can you make it round again?

我父亲看到汽车挡泥板上的凹痕时,他一定会发怒的。When my father sees the dent in his fender, he'll be mad as hornet.

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然后,你让登特替你背黑锅,甚至对于像我一样的家伙,也很冷酷。Then you let Dent take your place. Even to a guy like me, that's cold.

如果我父亲看到汽车挡泥板上的凹痕,他一定会气得暴跳如雷。When my fa ther sees the dent in his fender, he'll be mad as a hornet.

气候保护的代价只会略微削弱收入的增长。The cost of climate protection would barely make a dent in that growth.

其结果从数字上削弱了人类的有关假寐的某些理论。The results put a digital dent in some human theories about catnapping.

这是我上星期租的车,对不起,门被撞出了个大凹。Here's the car I rented last week. Sorry about the big dent in the door.

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这凹坑太小,不值得费事碾平,我们把它填上就可以了。The dent is not big enough to be worth hammering out, we can fill it in.

她拿起锤子砸下去,雕像被砸了一个大缺口,这就导致了雕像的破裂。Using a hammer, she put a big dent in it. It caused the statue to crack.

我们已通过加倍劳务所得收入抵免来削弱这个问题的影响。We had made a dent in the problem by doubling the Earned Income Tax Credit.