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为了让性爱存在,符号必须复制生物的存在。In order for sex to exist, signs must reduplicate biological being.

园林设计的设计过程是设计师与场地之间反复对话交流的过程。The procedure of landscape architecture planning is a reduplicate dialogue between a planner and the site.

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景观设计的设计过程是设计师与场地之间反复对话交流的过程。The progress of landscape architecture is a reduplicate dialogue between the landscape architect and the site.

分析了遗传算法中重复计算的可能性,在程序实现中避免了重复计算。It can be indicated that there is possibility of reduplicate calculation of fitness by analysing the process of GA.

重复建设问题是中国经济发展过程中一直没有得到很好解决的问题之一。Reduplicate investment is a problem that has never been solved very well in the process of China economic evolution.

园林设计的设计过程是设计师与场地之间反复对话交流的过程。The progress of landscape architecture is a progress of a reduplicate dialogue between the landscape architect and the site.

这些理论在很大程度上是胶合的、重复的,是可以构建一个统一的研究平台或学术框架加以整合的。These theories are agglutinate, reduplicate and can be combined as a whole with a uniform research platform or learning frame.

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本文介绍了一种结构简单、使用方便灵活、可以重复使用的塑料软包液体调味品固定装置。This paper introduces a kind of soft packing equipment for liquid spices which is simple in structure, convenient and reduplicate.

它根据用户兴趣对结果进行相似度计算和结果去重,从而为用户提供贴切的查询结果。It provides users with suitable results by removing the reduplicate results and estimating the similarity between results and user query.

关于你方油管察举的询价,我们很高兴通知你们,通过我们反复的努力,厂房已同意供应100套。Regarding to your inquiry of vitta, we are so glad to tell you that the factory has agreed to provide 100 suits through our reduplicate effort.

本文提出的交一直流叠加镀铁是一种可以充分利用现有设备,并能获得优良镀层的新工艺。Alternating-current-direct-current reduplicate iron plating is a new technology that can make full use of existing equipment and attain fine plating.

实验研究也是本文的一个重要环节,通过稳定性实验、重复性实验的实验现象更进一步验证了理论分析的结果。The experiment is one of the most important parts. The stability experiment and the reduplicate experiment validate the results of theoretic analysis.

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传统译论认为译者和原作者是从属关系,译者只能再现原作者的意图或复制原作的语言。In traditional view, the task of a translator is to reproduce the intention of the author of the source text or reduplicate the language of the source text.

本文首先介绍了热压的工艺流程,随后尝试采用热压工艺完成具体器件的复制。This thesis introduces the technology process of hot-pressed nanoimprint firstly, and then tries to reduplicate the specific device by nanoimprint technology.

分别以空间要素与其属性挂接和删除重复要素为例,来说明该方法的技术要点。Taking two examples, matching spatial features and their attributes and deleting reduplicate features in spatial database, indicate the technique key point of this appro.

本论文从语义、句法搭配、句法功能、重叠形式、对应关系等五个方面,对汉韩思考类动词进行考察。This dissertation analyzes the think-category verbs from five aspects, which are Semantics, syntax collocation, syntax function, reduplicate forms and correspond relations.

为了减少建筑工程单一项目内的设计信息的冗余数据,进而减少设计中的重复工作量,提出了“五层树状模型”来重组信息。To reduce the repeated work by avoiding from spawning redundant data for reduplicate design in building engineering, a five-layer data model is introduced to reorganize the design information.

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本文采用了基于规则的知识表示方法,并采用了关系型数据库建立本系统的知识库,知识库具有添加、删除等功能,实现规则的增加及重复规则的删除。The structure of knowledge base is build by the database of relational data model. In order to add rules and delete reduplicate rules, knowledge base has the function of addition, deletion and so on.