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四是何露斯的儿子。Four are the Sons of Horus.

何鲁斯知道他必须向帝皇挑战。Horus knew he must challenge the Emperor.

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为什么何鲁斯现在还要听从帝皇的吩咐?Why should Horus now do as the Emperor bids?

何鲁斯将被称为人类之主!Horus who should be acclaimed Lord of Mankind!

帝皇之子的福尔格里姆是最亲近何鲁斯的人。Fulgrim of the Emperor's Children was the closest to horus.

伟大的吉萨斯芬克斯就是“在地平线的何露斯”的一个例子。The Great Sphinx of Giza is an example of "Horus in the Horizon".

甚至有人认为耶稣这个名字都是根据何鲁斯的名字而起的。Even the name Horus has been suggested as a contributing factor in the name Jesus.

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Harpocrates也被称作“幼童荷鲁斯”是由埃及之神荷鲁斯改编而来的希腊之神。Harpocrates was the Greek adaptation of the Egyptian god known as Horus the child.

据说,在何露斯孩提时代,他曾受到邪恶之神——塞思的攻击。It was said that when Horus was a child, he was attacked by Seth, the demon of evil.

其中一些甚至可以是可互相替换的,例如是埃及神欧西里斯、荷露斯和拉。Some were even considered interchangeable, such as the Egyptian gods Osiris, Horus and Ra.

她与伊希斯紧密地联系一起,正如塞斯和莎披被与奥斯里斯和何露斯联系那样。She was linked closely with Isis , just as Sah and Soped were linked with Osiris and Horus.

荷鲁斯的母亲呼吁帮助她哭,学习和魔法之神托特回答。The mother of Horus called for help. Her cry was answered by Thoth, the god of learning and magic.

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奥西里斯死后,其妻子伊西斯通过祈祷竟然神奇的怀孕了,并在一个岛上生下了何鲁斯。Horus was conceived magically after the death of Osiris and brought up by Isis on a floating island.

此外,基督耶稣通过约翰来给自己洗礼,何鲁斯也是由较小的神给自己洗礼的。In addition, just as Jesus himself was baptized by John the Baptist, Horus was baptized by lesser gods.

上千年来,何露斯的眼睛一直被看做神灵帮助人们解除痛苦和疾病的标识。For thousands of years, the eye of Horus remained as a sign of the god's help to the suffering and sick.

透特用他的智慧和特殊的力量,治愈了何路斯的双眼,他又看得见了。Thoth, with his wisdom and special powers, healed the eye of Horus. And the child was able to see again.

古埃及人分别称之为“赫鲁斯”和“塞特”,希腊人则分别称之为“赫耳墨斯”和“阿波罗”。The ancient Egyptians called it Horus and Set respectively, while the Greeks called it Hermes and Apollo.

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透特用他的智慧和特殊的力量治愈了荷鲁斯的眼睛,最终幼小的荷鲁斯又能重见光明。Thoth, with his wisdom and special powers, healed the eye of Horus . And the child was able to see again.

但多年来,标志,变成了何露斯的眼睛的符号为木星,罗马人的神。But over the years, the sign changed from the eye of Horus to the sign for Jupiter, the chief god of the Romans.

去永恒的金字塔之下,去神的庙宇中,在千年星座的光芒中,召唤荷罗斯的威力吧!Summon the might of Horus through the light of the millennium constellations into the temple beneath the ageless pyramid.