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树木环绕着那个院子。Trees environ the yard.

这是环境科学工作者唯一正确的选择。This is only choice for worker on environ mental science.

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正式的面试中要获得对工作环境的感受很难。It can be hard to get a feel for the work environ in a formal interview.

这其中环境影响和社会压力也起到了复杂的作用。Environ mental influences and social pressures also play complicated roles.

国际环境絔档难芯吭笨⒘艘恢指删蝗忌盏穆?它使用较少的燃料并减少烟的产生。Researchers at Environ fit Internationalhavedeveloped the a clean-burning cook stovethatuses less fuel and reduces smoke.

二次有机气溶胶由于其对环境、气候和人体健康的影响,正日益受到人们的关注。Secondary organic aerosols have been captured more and more attention, due to their impact on environ -mental, climate and health.

建立在这种观点之上的环境政策在人与自然的关系上往往会导致环境灾难或退化。The environ police established on the above general lead to the disaster and degenerate for environ on the relation between human being and nature.

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铜合金导电率的测量常会受到试样均匀度、环境温度及测试人员的影响。The measurement of electric-conductivity of copper alloy is usually influenced by the homogeneity of specimen, analyst and the environ mental temperature.

介绍了镉、铅、铬、铜的电化学分析方法及其在现代环境分析中的应用,并对电化学分析方法的发展前景进行了展望。引用文献36篇。A review with 36 references is given on electroanalytical method of cadmium, lead, chromium and copper and their application in modern environ mental analysis.

在守门员制度设计之初政府应起主导作用,提供制度和资金保障,创造一个竞争性的环境。Government must play the leader role in beginning of the goalkeeper system, provide the institution- al and financial guarantee, and create a competitive environ.

改善西安的投资环境,使得吸引更多的国外投资者直接投资发展IT产品计划成为可能。Improving the investment environ in xi’an makes it possible for xi’an to attract more foreign investors to make direct investment into development IT product project.

文中提出一种考虑节水因素的凝汽器最佳真空的确定方法,为降低发电成本及减少环境污染提供了一项有效的途径。This paper gives methods of determining the optimum vacuum of condenser that takes account of the save on cooling water, the methods can help reduce costs and environ.

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“纳米陶瓷”易洁特性既可以节水,又可以减少因使用化学清洁剂而造成的环境污染,达到抗菌、环保的效果。And it will be nothing left when wiped with cotton cloth. Nanometer Porcelain benefits water saving and environ mental protection by reducing the use of chemical detergents.

当时,常常派犯人到土伦周围的那些高丘上去采取岩石,他们便时常持有矿工的器械。Convicts were, at that period, sometimes employed in quarrying stone from the lofty hills which environ Toulon, and it was not rare for them to have miners' tools at their command.

他的作品启发了作家、环保主义者还有社会和政治领袖,他使一代代读者意识到人类精神可能达到的高度和社会的局限性。His work has inspired writers, environ mentalists, and social and political leaders. It has made generations of readers aware of the possibilities of the human spirit and the limitations of society.

公路自然区划是研究自然环境对公路建设影响的产物,同时也是公路建设适应自然环境研究的结果。The natural zoning for highway is the outcome that it studies the influence of natural environ? ment to the highway construction and the result that the highway construction adapt natural environment.