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在他发言之后会议开始活跃起来。The meeting began to liven up after he spoke.

在树林中散散步总是可以让我立刻开心起来。A walk in the woods always liven me up in no time.

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饮食中添加辣椒或其它香料来增进食欲。And use pepper or other spices to liven your meals.

这么有趣的东西会让您的办公桌更有生气!Something fun to liven up the area around your desktop!

搞活假日卡,讲一个故事,甚至创造如何指南!Liven up holiday snaps, tell a story, even create how-to guides!

接下来定义一些特殊的图形使模型更加生动。Next, we define some special shapes to liven up our model a bit.

在头发上添加一些亮色可以突出你得面色。Liven up your looks by adding some fresh highlights to your hair.

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我很喜欢邀请那个“派对动物”来参加我们的派对。他能使整个气氛热烈起来。I'd love to invite that party animal to the party. He'd liven up the mood!

一种肯定能够活跃气氛的方法就是鼓励互动。One surefire way to liven up a presentation is to encourage interactivity.

鼓手使有生机的气氛中在玛海滩位于里约热内卢。Samba drummers liven up the atmosphere on Ipanema Beach in Rio de Janeiro.

奇异的青蛙王子低度葡萄酒瓶塞让美女之夜焕发生机。Liven up a girlie night in with this fabulous Frog Prince Lighted Wine Stopper.

善解意和容忍大度的他们乐于助,平时以他们的思想和口才生动于任何际动。They usually liven up any social gathering with their ideas and verbal facility.

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偶尔也有来自部落音乐家的歌曲,以及本地诗人的诗歌。Occasional songs by tribal musicians and the verses of local poets also liven up the mix.

如果你认为你把所有这些印刷物皆活起来,那就错了。If you think putting all of these in your printing material will liven things up, you are wrong.

表情符号源于日本,有了这些成百上千的彩色图像,人们可以增加文字信息的生动性。Emoji, which originated in Japan, allow people to liven up their texts with hundreds of colorful images.

它在解决空气不好的问题的同时是也会活跃气氛,使你哪儿变得更加吸引人。It’ll help with the stale air issue, but will also help liven things up and make it a more inviting space.

下回您坐电梯的时候要是觉得无聊了,可以试试以下的方法找找乐子。Next time you're on an elevator and feel a little bored, liven up the moment with some of these insightful ideas.

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姜昆、单田芳、李金斗等曲艺名家甘当绿叶,为大学生捧哏。Famous artists of folk art such as Jiang Kun, Shan Tianfang, Li Jindou came to liven things up for college students.

原来主宰百老汇的核心人士已逐渐变老,一群有创意、有新点子的年轻人正在为百老汇注入新的活力。The establishment that has been running Broadway is aging and some"young turks·"are coming in to liven the place uD.

这位31岁的全职妈妈将一盘盘的食物变成了五颜六色的动物、人物和图片,让用餐时间变得生趣盎然。The 31-year-old full-time mum transforms plates of food into colourful animals, people and pictures to liven up meal times.