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蝎,节肢动物纲毒虫。Scorpion is arthropod poisonous insect.

蝎子的毒钩在其尾部。The sting of a scorpion is in its tail.

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总是用小可蝎子从侧翼进攻。Always flank with small groups of Scorpion Tanks.

我家小猫毫不畏惧毒蝎,将其活活吃掉!My little cat ate the live scorpion without fear!

这是清蒸鲈鱼,这是油炸蝎子。This is steamed bass, and this is fried scorpion.

炸蝎子口感酥脆,尝起来像鱼干。Scorpion is very crunchy and tastes like dried fish.

蝎子就说,‘我要是蜇你的话,我自己也会死的。’The scorpion says, ‘Because if I do, I will die too’.

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我父王真是被一只毒蝎子咬死的吗?Did my father really die from the sting of a scorpion?

别光把注意力集中在蛇身上,而忽略了毒蝎。Because we focused on the snake, we missed the scorpion.

求鸡蛋,反给他蝎子呢。Or if he shall ask an egg, will he offer him a scorpion?

蝎毒介入治疗肝癌可改善症状。Scorpion venom can meliorate symptom of hepatic carcinoma.

只剩一只蝎子了,但是刺却在尾巴上。There was only one scorpion. But the sting was in the tail.

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没有父亲在儿子求鸡蛋时,反给他蝎子。No loving father gives his son a scorpion instead of an egg.

心宿二通常也称天蝎之心。The star Antares is sometimes called the Heart of the Scorpion.

如今,我开着另一台贴着蝎子车标的菲亚特。Now I have been driving another Fiat bearing the scorpion badge.

圣甲虫素致命打击将军的主战坦克,取代了毒蝎坦克。The Scarab is General Deathstrike's MBT, replacing the Scorpion Tank.

两个狠毒的姐姐和刚生出来的蝎子,被拉到高高的木柴垛上烧死了。The two wicked sisters and the scorpion were burned on a pyre skyhigh.

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亚摩利人的境界,是从亚克拉滨坡,从西拉而上。The boundary of the Amorites was from Scorpion Pass to Sela and beyond.

当牠们到了河的中央,蝎子螫了青蛙。When they reached the middle of the river, the scorpion stung the frog.

它是天蝎星座中最亮的一个星星。Antares is the brightest star in the constellation Scorpius the Scorpion.