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躁狂轻度到中度的表现称为轻躁。A mild to moderate level of mania is called hypomania.

轻躁狂对于创造力以及旺盛精力也有相当益处。Hypomania can also have a benefit in creativity and productive energy.

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其中一份名为“生活态度”的调查实际上是一份轻度躁狂的测试问卷。One survey dubbed "Attitude for Life" that was actually a test for hypomania.

她既往曾有抑郁史,但从来没有发生过躁狂症。She had a past medical history of depression, but had never experienced hypomania previously.

通过温和轻躁狂的狂躁高位,抑郁低点有许多中间人。From the manic highs through the milder hypomania to the depressive lows there are many in-betweens.

一个处于轻躁狂中的人不会惧怕、疑虑以及阻断社会生活。A person in the state of hypomania might be immune to fear and doubt and have little social inhibition.

然而,缺乏恰当的治疗,轻躁会在某些人身上变成严重的躁狂或者会转换为抑郁。Without proper treatment, however, hypomania can become severe mania in some people or can switch into depression.

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轻躁狂的症状包括舒适愉悦的心情,不断涌现的创造力,无尽的精力,以及对于获取成功的渴望和驱动。Classic symptoms of hypomania include mild euphoria, a flood of ideas, endless energy, and a desire and drive for success.

有轻躁狂症状的人群通常显得富有精力、欣悦、有远见,充斥着满脑子的主意,有时也会自负,富有号召力。People with hypomania are generally perceived as being energetic, euphoric, visionary, overflowing with new ideas, and sometimes over-confident and very charismatic.

许多人宣称轻躁狂是他们取得成功的门径,一大批富有创造力的天才也被证实有轻躁狂经历。Many have cited it as a gateway to their success, and a large number of people with creative talents have experienced hypomania or other symptoms of bipolar disorder.

与其他心境障碍不同,受到轻躁狂影响的人群变得更有生活追求,大量成功人士感谢轻躁狂对于他们最终获取成功的帮助。Unlike a lot of other mood disorders, people suffering from hypomania tend to be extremely goal oriented and many successful people have credited bipolar disorder in their successes.

他们发现阈下性轻躁狂者比无躁狂行为的抑郁者有更高的焦虑率和药物滥用率,抑郁的发作次数也更高。They found that people with subthreshold hypomania have higher rates of anxiety and substance abuse and more depressive episodes than depressed people who don't exhibit manic behavior.