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音像遗产从本质上说是脆弱易损的。Audiovisual heritage is by nature fragile.

缅甸的印刷媒体和视听媒体均受政府监控。Censorship of printed and audiovisual media.

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戴上这种视听器,您就会耳聪目明。Wearing this audiovisual device, you are aBle to see and hear clearly.

音像和计算机程序格式化集邮,网页中。Audiovisual and computer formatted philatelic programs, Web pages included.

视听教学是一个新的教育传播技术。Audiovisual instruction is a new Technology for Educational Communications.

这个紧凑的音乐和视频电话是活的与视听娱乐。This compact music and video phone is alive with audiovisual entertainment.

随着媒体技术的发展,直观教育逐渐演化为视听教育。Object Education evolved into Audiovisual Education later with its development.

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本文研究的是WTO体制下视听产品贸易限制问题。This paper focuses on audiovisual products trade restrictions under WTO regime.

主要生产幻灯机,投影仪等电教产品及水准仪等测绘仪器。Audiovisual products such as slide projector, projector, leveling instrument etc.

规定H.310单向和双向两种宽带视听终端。Both H. 310 unidirectional and bidirectional broadband audiovisual terminals are defined.

他们用的是肢体语言,顶多打打响舌,我以视听语言为主。They use body language, at most to shoot off the tongue, I use audiovisual language mainly.

设电影支架功能,完美的视听角度,电影、音乐尽在掌握中。With movie stand function, prefect audiovisual angle, you can enjoy movie and music easily.

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举凡所有研讨会之前,郑重建议预先备妥视听设备。Making advance arrangements for audiovisual equipment is strongly recommended for all seminars.

视听资料在司法实践中的采信规则该如何把握?。How to carry out rules of admissibility for audiovisual reference material in judicial practice?

随着数字音频技术的发展,音频接口设计显得越来越重要。The background and technology advantages of digital audiovisual interfaces are briefly introduced.

我国修订后的刑事诉讼法首次将视听资料作为一种独立的证据形式予以规定。The audiovisual material was first regarded as the independent proofs in the modified Criminal Law.

这些设备包括从调光器、气候控制器到安全装置和音像设备。These can range from lighting dimmers and climate control systems to security and audiovisual appliances.

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深圳市圣格电子有限公司是以数码视听产品的研发、生产、销售于一体的高科技企业。Is the development of digital audiovisual products, production, sales in one of the high-tech enterprises.

巴黎市立现代美术馆始终在视听艺术方面扮演先锋性角色,如今其旨在进一步扩大海外收藏。The Musée has always had a pioneer role in audiovisual art and now aims at promoting the collection abroad.

文化部则管辖电影及其他表演艺术,包括文学、视听作品。The Ministry of Culture has policed film and other performing arts, including literary and audiovisual works.