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岛的一端是一个大型鸟园。At one end is a large aviary.

富兰克林从鸟舍中的鸟笼中离奇失踪。Franklin mysteriously disappeared from his cage at the aviary.

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红草莓是其中一个最好的鸟类为任何鸟的情况。The Red strawberry is one of the best birds for any aviary situation.

其中被动控制方法,是植物树在一大片观鸟丝篮。One passive method of control is to plant the tree in a large aviary wire basket.

阿维会跟踪所用元素的用途与去向,确保元素的信用许可权受到保护。Aviary tracks how and where elements are used, making sure that licenses and credits are preserved.

袋鼠和美洲鸵在这里拥有了新家园,小型鸟儿也在这里栖息。Kangaroos and rheas have found new homes in the stable block, while smaller birds reside in the aviary.

给他套上一个有色开口的脚环,并做好记录是为了在大型养殖场中鉴别他们。Put a coloured split ring on and make a note of the colour in order to identify them in the main aviary.

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据美国国家鸟类饲养场估计,第六天六只下蛋的鹅所需的花费较一年前增加了20%。The National Aviary estimated the cost of six geese-a-laying on day six was up 20 percent from a year ago.

该建筑设有一个通风的酒窖和一座英国最精美的维多利亚风格的花园。A French Renaissance-style chateau it has one of the finest Victorian gardens in Britain, an Aviary and Wine Cellars.

所以我们认为鸟舍的和野生的乌鸦发声相似,更多是与生俱来的,所以基本上内化在乌鸦种群中。So we think that their vocalizations that are similar, aviary and wild, are more innate, so basically naturally inside of them.

其他涉及鸟类生物的项目还包括澳大利亚保护区建造的一系列展馆和瑞士公园内的鸟类饲养场。Other recent structures dedicated to birds include a series of pavilions at an Australian sanctuary and an aviary at a Swiss park.

富兰克林的主人接到曼哈顿Sutton鸟类寄存处通知,称该鹦鹉失踪后,他们赶回了纽约。Franklin's owners returned to New York after they were told the bird had been reported missing from the Sutton Aviary in Manhattan.

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最终,公司希望建立一个市场,让创作者对其作品负责版税,侵权作品将会删除。Ultimately, the company hopes to create a marketplace where creators can charge royalties for their work, with Aviary taking a cut.

百鸟园倒塌之后,鸟儿们都寄居在了别的笼舍,为了方便运输,今天一早它们就被装箱,打包了。After the net of the aviary collapsed, birds were fostered at other bird sanctuaries. They were caged for a better journey home in the morning.

姑娘们穿着细纱长裙,长裙的下摆从草丛中赶出来无数的飞虫和蝴蝶,它们被关在透明的裙摆之中飞不出来,就像关在笼中的小鸟一样。Their gauzy skirts had brushed up from the grass innumerable files and butterflies which, unable to escape, remained caged in the transparent tissue as in an aviary.

这些是生活在横滨动物园自然保护与研究中心的巴厘岛鸬鹚,属于极度濒危物种。Bali mynahs, a critically endangered species of bird, perch inside the breeding aviary cage at the Preservation and Research Center in Yokohama, south of Tokyo, October 25.

猫听说某个鸟舍的鸟不舒服,就装扮成医师拄着拐杖去探访,他还带了个工具袋,好让自己显得更专业。CAT, hearing that the Birds in a certain aviary were ailing dressed himself up as a physician, and, taking his cane and a bag of instruments becoming his profession, went to call on them.

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我认为生产者将会求助于大型饲养系统,购进巢穴箱子,母鸡能够略微扑翅而飞,四处走动,更加自然的生活。What I believe producers will do is go to an aviary system, and purchase nest boxes where the birds will be allowed to fly a little bit and be able to move around to give them a more natural life.