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它有一个稻草,和薄荷朱利普小枝。It has a straw, and mint Julep branchlets.

所以说小苏打去黑头的说法其实不现实。So saying sodium bicarbonate julep is in fact not true.

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因而,“去黑头”仿佛成了良多人逐日必做的“作业”。Thus, "julep" as many people into a daily routine "job.

阿穆隆最后还取得了该栏目提供的雅茚去黑头套装礼盒一份。Amulung finally made the supply of INDENE julep a gift package.

感觉不管去黑头仍是去痘、美白都没什么效果。Feel whatever julep is still have no blemish, whitening effect.

“打开威士忌,汤姆,”她命令道,我给你做一杯薄荷酒。Open the whiskey, Tom, " she ordered, and I'll make you a mint julep ."

在节目中,阿穆隆也绝不小气地把自己的去黑头小绝招跟大家一块儿分享。In the program, nor shall mean amulung herself julep small trick to share with you all along.

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我看对付这种讨厌的小东西,最好是蝇拍和黏糊的甜浆。To me, the best weapons to eliminate these sick little things are the flyflap and sticking julep.

突破传统去黑头的局限,不用挤,不用撕,不用刮。Break through the limitations of traditional julep without squeezing, you don't have to rip, don't scratch.

令人愉悦的薄荷清香让最挑剔的鼻子都无法阻挡呢,冰镇薄荷给您带来清新舒畅的享受,让您自信倍增。Enjoy a pleasant mint fragrance that entices the most sensitive noses. Feel confident throughout the day as our Mint Julep Deodorant Stick leaves you with a refreshed and comforted feeling.