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在被捕的29人当中,大约有13人是哥伦比亚公民。Of the 29 arrested, about 13 were Colombian citizens.

春季纯哥伦比亚丈夫,真正的男子汉含铁血。The spring of pure Colombian husband, real men hemosiderosis.

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哥伦比亚煤矿工人抗议同行工人因工而逝的罢工Colombian coal miners strike to protest death of fellow worker

米格尔是个被特权冲昏头脑的哥伦比亚政治家。Miguel is a young Colombian politician blinded by his own privilege.

哥伦比亚在巴拿马的官员很快就被捕了。Colombian officials were arrested quickly. Then Amador made a speech.

他们的哥伦比亚司机也被扣作人质,但后来被释放。Their Colombian driver was also taken hostage, but was later released.

为了检验一下,强哥让乐乐去小卖部买袋饼干。In order to test you, strong Colombian canteen so happy to buy bags of biscuits.

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阿维拉说即使是西班牙的学者也同意哥伦比亚的西班牙语是最好的。Avila says that even academics in Spain agree that Colombian Spanish is the best.

哥伦比亚首都波哥大发生一起炸弹爆炸,导致至少两人死亡。A bomb explosion in the Colombian capital Bogota has killed at least two people, a.

切尔西的中轴线遇到哥伦比亚人时堪称噩梦。Chelsea's centre-halves will be haunted by the memory of confronting the Colombian.

5月8日,佐利克将会见哥伦比亚总统乌里韦。He meets with Colombian President Alvaro Uribe and members of his Cabinet on May 8.

麦格耐特对现代哥伦比亚绘画的发展做出了很多贡献。Magnenat made a major contribution to the development of modern Colombian painting.

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花哥告诉我,他将在此基础上,继续深入地创作下去。Colombian flower told me that he would on this basis, to continue to create indefinitely.

她说,哥伦比亚人讲的西班牙语很悦耳,这有助于她手下的话务员达成交易。She says Colombian Spanish is easy on the ears, and that helps her operators close deals.

“哥伦比亚革命武装力量”总人数为1.7万,是哥伦比亚最大的反政府游击队组织。The 17,000-member " Colombian Revolution Armed Forces" is Colombia's largest rebel group.

一个哥伦比亚士兵看着为了种植罂粟而被铲平土地,1992。A Colombian soldier in 1992 looks at a deforested land formerly used for poppy plantations.

在他多产的职业生涯中,他的40首歌曲曾经排在哥伦比亚排行榜首位。And during his prolific career, 40 of his songs made it to the top of the Colombian charts.

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他也曾经讽刺著名哥伦比亚作家马奎斯而名震一时。He's also famous for once having hit the celebrated Colombian writer Gabriel Garcia Marquez.

哥伦比亚上个月被劫持一名10岁女童已获释,该起绑架案震惊全国。A 10-year-old Colombian girl whose kidnapping last month shocked the nation has been released.

然而,有些哥伦比亚企业已经开始找寻拉丁美洲和以外的其它市场。But some Colombian businesses are already looking to other markets in Latin America and beyond.