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我不能忍受歇斯底里。I can't stand hysterics.

莱蒂却是歇斯底里的一团。Retty was a bunch of hysterics.

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她一阵歇斯底里发作,骂了他几句。She had a fit of hysterics and called him some bad names.

妈妈看到我头发染成这种颜色会火冒三丈的。My mum’ll have hysterics when she sees the colour of my hair.

我歇斯底里地把车快速在道边停下,然后过来一个**问我怎么了。I pulled over in hysterics and a cop came to see what was wrong.

之后影片便流向了漫长的歇斯底里桥段。The film that follows amounts to a prolonged bout of paranoid hysterics.

这笑声富有感染力,很快我们就笑倒在地板上,样子有些歇斯底里。It was contagious and soon we were literally slumped down on the floor in hysterics.

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经过半小时为了手机的歇斯底里后,我感觉自己真是受人操纵,几乎就走掉了。After half an hour of hysterics about the cellphone, I felt so manipulated that I almost walked out.

他的英雄被描述成病人,病人可能的方式对女性歇斯底里的斯特林的一天。His heroine is portrayed as sick, probably sick in the manner of female hysterics of Strindberg's day.

幽默成分既有身体方面的,也有情绪方面的,还有认知水平上的,这三者的任何一方面都可能把另外两方面都激发成歇斯底里状态。It has physical, emotional, and cognitive components, any one of which can send the others into hysterics.

当一个女人能够在困难面前淡然一笑,而不再歇斯底里时,已经没有什么能够伤害到她了。When a woman can joke over her troubles instead of having hysterics , nothing can ever hurt her much again.

那一个地区的人,已经被无休止的大笑大哭给搅糊涂了,奥巴马便向他们展示,怎样以体谅、有尊严的方式互相谈话。He was showing people in a region besotted with tiresome hysterics how to talk to one another with understanding and dignity.

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我疯狂地翻着跟斗冲下山,随着球体的转动,身体的血液一会儿冲上头顶,一会儿流到脚底。As I somersaulted down the hill in hysterics , blood rushed to my head then back to my feet with every twist and turn of the zorb.

这些孩子被放进一个遥控的飞碟形状的飞行器里面,这么做的目的很可能是为了吓唬美国人以达到当年广播谣言那样的效果。These kids were placed on a remotely controlled disc-shaped craft, presumably to frighten Americans into "War of the World"-type hysterics.

当看见喂给神像的牛奶消失时,印度北部勒克瑙城和西部科尔卡塔城的数百名信奉者唱起了圣歌甚至歇斯底里地发狂。Hundreds chanted hymns in the northern city of Lucknow and the eastern city of Kolkata and went into hysterics when the milk held against the idols disappeared.

我家的小鬼们总在他们需要午休的时候做出一些歇斯底里的事情,他们尖叫并且哭闹约摸一个小时,这些让我得了偏头痛和刺激性头痛。When it was time for the babies to go take their afternoon nap they went into hysterics and screamed and cried for about an hour, making sure that I had a steady and irritating headache.

本文在调研相关文献的基础上,分析了各种逆变器电流控制方法,并且对滞环电流控制方法进行了研究和仿真。In this paper, based on the related research literature, after anglicizing a variety of inverter current control methods, some research and simulation were done on hysterics current control method.