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那位法官是个严肃、难以接近的人。The judge was a stern, unapproachable man.

这些女孩是封闭而无法接近的。The girls are close and yet unapproachable.

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但是,那不可接近的光在哪�呢?我怎能走近那不可接近的光呢?But where is unapproachable light, or how shall I come to it?

因此,他被看作一个神秘的绝地,一个无法接近的谜。As such, he came to be regarded as a Jedi of mystery, an unapproachable enigma.

沃特发现他的新主人说话生硬,而且不易接近。时间过得非常长。Walter found his new charge brusque and unapproachable , the hours were incredibly long.

他那神气是善良的,但又使人感到难于接近,他的目光从来不停留在别人的眼睛上。He had a kindly but unapproachable air,and he never let his glance linger on the eyes of any one.

他处于大量护卫组成的保护网中,不可接近,从不接受采访。He is unapproachable at the centre of a web of protective corporate layering, and he gives no interviews.

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尽管有时脾气不太好,但和一脸苦大仇深的伍赫相比,她要和蔼可亲得多。Though somewhat cantankerous at times, she was far less surly and unapproachable than the sour-faced Wuher.

科劳说,“三家公司通过更好的协作,有能力创造一个‘无与伦比’的用户体验。”" family service says, "3 companies pass better cooperation, capable to create ' unapproachable ' user experience.

这对姊妹拥有令其他选手都难以望其项背的巨大力量和对体育运动的极度热爱。What both sisters possess to a degree unapproachable by their colleagues is immense power and glorious athleticism.

这对姊妹拥有令其他选手都难以望其项背的巨大力量和对体育运动的极度热爱。What both sisters possess to a degree unapproachable by their colleagues is immense power and glorious13 athleticism.

我的“真我”居留于沉默之屋,哪里无人知晓,也永远无法企及。The "I" in me, dwells in the house of silence, and therein it shall remain for ever more, unperceived, unapproachable.

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首先,我会揣摩她当天的情绪,当发现她脸色不对时,我就乘机写字条要求和她面谈。First, I would gauge her mood that day, and if I found her unapproachable , I would write her a note requesting a meeting.

她从角落里翻出一些写生画和油画,其中有些是她亲手画的,这些画在他看来都可望而不可及。She fished out of holes and corners drawings and paintings, some of them by her own hand, that seemed to him unapproachable.

我之“真我”,朋友,居住在“寂静”的屋宇里,并将永居其中,无人察觉,无人靠近。The "I" in me, my friend, dwells in the house of silence, and therein it shall remain for ever more, unperceived, unapproachable.

我的朋友,我的“真我”居留于沉默之屋,那里无人知晓,也永远无法企及。The "I" in me, my friend, dwells in the house of silence, and therein it shall remine for ever more, unperceived , unapproachable.

我的朋友,我身体里的我住在寂寞的房子里,它将永远住在那里,不被察觉,不可接近。The "I" in me , my friend , dwell in the house of silence and therein it shall remain for ever more , unpercieved , unapproachable.

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毫无疑问,圣门弟子对穆圣这位领袖、教师、先知的尊敬与爱戴,绝不会让他们敬而远之。No doubt, the respect and love the Companions had for the Prophet as a leader, a teacher and a prophet never made him unapproachable to them.

你是时尚和漂亮的追随者,渴望从头到脚的完美轮廓,绽放出无与伦比的魅惑光彩。You are vogue and beautiful epigone, yearn for the perfect outline of cap-a-pie , blossom a glorious of unapproachable evil spirit be puzzled.

从20世纪80年代后期开始,深圳印刷业的蓬勃发展造就了国内无可匹敌的平面设计师群体。From the late state of 80s in 20 century, the flourishing development of Shenzhen printing industry trained a group unapproachable graphic designer.