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这种被称为无向方向室壁运动。Such undirected orientation is called kinesis.

目的讨论简单无向图的匹配等价问题。Aim To discuss the matching equivalence of the simple undirected graph.

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本文提出一个获取连通网络是小生成树的算法。An algorithm fOr producing minimum spanning trees of undirected networks is provided.

提出了一种基于图结构描述的二维图形尺寸标注模型的建立及存储方法。A method to build dimensioning model of 2 dimensional drawing based on undirected graph is presented.

综述无向简单图零度问题近年来所取得的研究进展。This paper gave a review of recent developments in the study of nullities of undirected simple graphs.

一些低等动物,运动是无向和随机,如草履虫浮躁其环境。For some lower animals, movement is undirected and random, such as a Paramecium blundering about its environment.

它支持有向或无向的模型,离散或连续的变量,各种推论及学习算法。It supports directed and undirected models, discrete and continuous variables, various inference and learning algorithms.

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一个无环无向连通图称为一棵树。树中一个度为一的点称为叶子结点。An undirected connected graph with no cycles is called a tree. A vertex with degree equal to one in a tree is called a leaf.

对求无向赋权图最小生成树两种算法分别是PRIM算法和KRUSKAL算法。The two algorithms for finding the minimal spanning tree of an undirected weighted graph are PRIM algorithm and KRUSKAL algorithm.

然而实际上由于有向网络中边的有向性,使得网络的结构和性质比无向网络的要复杂很多。In fact the direction of side in directed networks make the properties and structure of directed networks more complex than undirected networks.

然而,这激情又实在有点盲目抽象,就像喷灯的火焰,可以从一个对象移到另一个。And yet the rage that one felt was an abstract, undirected emotion which could be switched from one object to another like the flame of a blowlamp.

但这种愤怒抽象又盲目不定,可以像喷灯火焰那样随意切换目标。And yet the rage that one felt was an abstract, undirected emotion which could be switched from one object to another like the flame of a blowlamp.

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算法输出结果为最大链图,该图仅对统计可分的弧进行定向,对统计不可分的弧保留无向的特性。The output of the algorithm is largest chain graph, which just orienting the statistical distinguishable edges, keep the indistinguishable edges undirected.

通过对关联规则挖掘算法的详细分析,提出了一种基于无向项集图的动态频繁项集挖掘算法。After the method for mining association rules is analyzed, a dynamic algorithm of frequent itemsets mining based on undirected itemsets graph is put forward.

从高度发达的实体的观点看,门罗与他们保持经常的联络,这第一环带反射出“大量不和谐、杂乱的思想辐射”。From the viewpoint of advanced entities Monroe was in regular communication with, this first band reflected a mass of discordant, undirected thought radiation.

当事务数据库和最小支持度发生变化时,该算法只需重新遍历一次无向项集图即可得到新的频繁项集。The algorithm can get the new frequent itemsets through search the undirected itemsets graph once again, when the database and the minimum support are changed.

本文讨论外平面图的反馈点集并给出了一个求外平面图最小反馈点集的多项式时间算法。In this paper, we study the undirected minimum-cardinality feedback vertex set problem in outer- planar graphs and present a polynomial time algorithm to solve it.

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假设系统拓扑是不变的、有向的强连通图,系统个体之间信息传输具有不同的单向通信时延,研究了移动多智能体动态系统的一致性。Consensus of mobile multi-agents dynamic system is studied with the dissimilarity communication delay and the hypothesis of fixed undirected and connected topology.

将表示电路的超图转化成带权值的无向图,从而将电路二等分问题转化成图的划分问题。The hypergraph denoting circuit is transformed into a weighted undirected graph, so the problem of circuit bisection is transformed into the graph partition problem.

导出了无向无标号超图和标号超目的计数级数,解决了无向超图的同构和计数问题。Then the counting series are derived for undirected unlabeled and labeled hypergraphs, thus the isomorphism and counting problems of undirected hypergraphs are solved.