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我已习惯于孤独。I'm used to loneliness.

为什么寂寞如此痛苦?Why is loneliness so painful?

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茫茫大都会不了寂寞情。A great city a great loneliness.

而寂寞依旧常锁心魂深处。And loneliness remains deep soul.

而孤寂,却不应列于其中。But loneliness is not one of them.

寞是永远摆脱不了的。I will never get rid of loneliness.

我像个孤独患者。有何不可?I like loneliness patients . Why not?

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负担是孤独的同伴。Burdens are bedfellows with loneliness.

爱情,寔寂寞的盛开。LoVe , the loneliness 1s in full bloom.

寂寞是悲伤的,绝望的。Loneliness is sorrowful, it is despair.

有比孤独更恐怖的吗?Have than loneliness more bloodcurdling?

才让我懂得什么是真正的寂寞。Let me know what is the real loneliness.

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哦,那是应为,这样的寂寞已使我倍受煎熬。Oh, because. My loneliness is killing me.

就道破了人间多少的寂寞。How much to lay bare the human loneliness.

陌生悳国度,体味到孤独。Strange country, to appreciate loneliness.

我怕孤单寂寞更怕被伤害。I am afraid of loneliness and more of hurt.

从来不知道,寂寞的感觉那幺伤人。Never know it hurt the feeling of loneliness.

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工作是排遣寂寞的一个好办法。Working is a good way to overcome loneliness.

而孤独是永不背叛你的朋友。For loneliness is a friend who will not betray.

她伏枕啜泣以泄心中的孤寂。She was sobbing her loneliness into her pillow.