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贪婪是损毁幸福的祸根。Avarice is the bane to happiness.

街坊邻居的孩子们把握的生活搅得不得安宁。The neighbor’s kids are the bane of my life.

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爱情是毒药还是还魂丹?为什么呢?Is love bane or red of revive from death? Why?

间谍软件是家庭电脑用户的致命伤害。Spyware is the bane of the home computer user.

对于一个自由的桌面环境来说,凌乱的线路绝对是一个灾难。Cables are the bane of a clutter free workspace.

埃及的现代旅游业可谓毁誉参半。Modern tourism in Egypt is both a boon and a bane.

为贝恩工作的刑讯机器人名叫J0-N0。The torture droid working for Bane is named J0-N0.

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No-follow这个标签在我们建立链接的时候,是一个障碍。No-follow tags are the bane of naive link builders.

足球博彩合法化?好事还是坏事?。Legalization of football betting ? a boon or a bane?

缺少居住空间已经是现代生活的祸害。Lack of living space has been the bane of modern life.

因此,我们对圣人之道所带给我们的祸害,一定要小心谨慎以对。We must beware of the bane that the Tao of sage caused.

“我宣占这邪恶的王座!”暴君班恩高呼。"I claim this throne of evil, " shouted Bane the tyrant.

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萨戈罗最大的祸根就是他的罪犯哥哥文科。Sagoro's greatest bane was his criminal older brother, Venco.

多年来,这一直是英国学生生涯里难捱的时光。For years it was the bane of every British schoolchild's life.

这就是多样化的魅力,没有异同往往就是生活的痛苦之源。That’s the beauty of diversity. Homogeneity is the bane of life.

指控和游说团体是民主政治的死穴。Thinktanks and lobby groups are the bane of democratic politics.

“贝恩·马拉”这个名字令科舍尔香料矿区的囚犯闻之色变。The inmates of the Kessel spice mines dreaded the name Bane Malar.

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一些分析师担心国家的慷慨资助可能被证明是福祸参半。Some analysts fear the state's largess could prove as much bane as boon.

尼娜患有严重的关节炎,那真是她的灾星。Nina suffers a lot from arthritis. It's really the bane of her existence.

中国最好还是直接宣布宗教不合法。它可是人类社会的痛苦之源呀。China would do better to outlaw religion. It is the bane of human society.