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我能借支烟吗?Can I bum a smoke?

我能向你借五块钱吗?Can I bum 5 bucks from you?

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我能先从你那借点钱吗?Could I bum some money of you?

忍受你的利牙并燃烧了我的翅膀。Bear your fangs and bum my wings.

他过了几年流浪生活。He spent several years on the bum.

输的总是这个不走运的孬货。Always this unlucky bum would lose.

伦敦人嘲弄地称她为“大屁股”。Londoners derided her as "Fat Bum".

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你想沦为流浪汉了此一生吗?。Do you want to end up a skid row bum?

这个流浪汉是贫民区的一个失业者。The bum was down and out on skid row.

约翰失业后过着流浪生活。John lost his job and went on the bum.

约翰失去工作过着流浪生活。John lost his job and went on the bum.

Moomba的意思其实就是“在屁股上”。So moomba actually means 'in the bum.'

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他的支持者认为他受到不公正的判决。His supporters feel he has taken bum raps.

当我们要达到一个目的的时候,扭摆臀部。When we reach for a goal, we twist the bum.

复习考试肯定消耗能量。Studying for exams can certainly bum up energy.

我喜欢双手捧住你的屁股。I love holding your bum in the palms of my hands.

露易斯因为偏袒里查德而遭责骂。Louise got a bum rap for taking sides with Richard.

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像一个流浪汉一样坐在房子周围,一天什么都不做。Sitting around the house day like a bum does nothing.

路易斯因为左袒理查德而受到责骂。Louise got a bum rap for tsimilarg sides with Richard.

“把你的头粘在死掉的澳洲土著流浪者脖子上”这句话翻译成法语应该怎末说?What's french for stick your head up a dead wallaby 's bum?