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科学家研究用干细胞培植发囊治疗男性秃头。Male-Pattern Baldness Found Rooted in Stem Cells.

吉尔忍不住拿他的秃顶开玩笑。Jill couldn't resist makeing jokes about his baldness.

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很多男人是遗传性的易患男性模式脱发。Most men are genetically predisposed to male pattern baldness.

雄性秃秃是最常见的类型。Androgenetic Alopecia or pattern baldness is the most common type.

恺撒大帝带月桂花环以遮掩自己日益稀少的头发。Julius Caesar wore a laurel wreath to cover the onset of baldness.

公元一世纪,老普林尼曾写过把海胆烧成灰烬治疗来秃头。D. , Pliny the Elder wrote of using sea urchin ashes to treat baldness.

我有乳糖不耐症。别忘了还有男性型秃发。Uh, there's the lactose intolerance. Don't forget the male-pattern baldness.

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但科学家们强调,解决脱发问题仍需很多年的时间。But the scientists stressed that tackling baldness was still many years away.

演员的秃头被一顶看起来非常自然的假发巧妙地遮盖了。The actor's baldness was cleverly concealed by a very natural-looking toupee.

某些人喜欢让他们的秃头顺其自然而不经治疗并且也不掩饰的过日子。Some people prefer to let their baldness run its course untreated and unhidden.

这个术语暗示,男性模式光秃遵循一定的顺序或者模式。As the term suggests, male pattern baldness follows a typical sequence or pattern.

这是因为毛囊中的激素的作用导致了男性模式脱发。It is the effect of hormones on the hair follicle that produces male pattern baldness.

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而孩子秃顶是因为来自父母一方或父母双方的几个基因发生了变异。Baldness is also likely due to abnormalities in several genes from one or both parents.

专家称他们找到他们认为为什么会让男士秃头的原因了。Experts say they have discovered what they believe is the cause of male pattern baldness.

目的探讨用头皮扩张法治疗瘢痕性秃发的护理措施。Objective To discuss effective nursing procedure in scalp expanding to treat scar baldness.

公元一世纪,老普林尼曾写过把海胆烧成灰烬治疗来秃头。In the first century A.D., Pliny the Elder wrote of using sea urchin ashes to treat baldness.

美国一个科学网站日前发布了10种最糟糕的"遗传病",青春痘和秃顶都榜上有名。A US science website has included baldness and acne in the top 10 worst hereditary conditions.

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有趣的是,这种叫非那司提的药,正好是用于治疗男性秃头的。Interestingly that drug, called finasteride, is the same one used to treat male pattern baldness.

但是男性模式的光秃那些头发没有得到很好的替换,从而渐渐的出现了光秃的区域。With male pattern baldness these hairs do not always get replaced and gradually bald areas appear.

患者可能决定需要进行治疗,也可能对头发变细或掉落并不在乎。You may decide that you need treatment, or you may not be worried about thinning hair or baldness.