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那个洗碗工救了她?The dishwasher saved her?

把碗盘放在洗碗机里。Put the dishes in the dishwasher.

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玻璃盖可在洗碗机中安全清洗。The glass lid is dishwasher safe.

我们是用赊购方式买这太洗碟机的。We bought the dishwasher on credit.

从洗碗机里新鲜出炉的热腾腾的蛋糕。Hot and fresh out of the dishwasher.

使用洗碗粉和过水增亮剂。Use dishwasher powder and rinse aid.

洗碗机把那些盘子洗了。The dishwasher sponged off the dishes.

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我以为你说过自己是个洗碗工。I thought you said you was a dishwasher.

我来把碗碟刮干净,你来把它们放入洗碗机里。I’ll scrape and you load the dishwasher.

我想买一个独立式的洗碗机。I'd like to get a freestanding dishwasher.

摩根家的厨房台面上有个洗碗机。Morgan's family has a counter-top dishwasher.

配合洗碗机分配计量器使用。Distribution measured with the dishwasher uses.

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配合洗碗机分配计量器使用。Cooperate with dishwasher distribution meter use.

洗碟子比用洗碟机的时间要长。Doing dishes takes longer than using the dishwasher.

现在你的洗碗机应该在最佳状况了,夫人。Your dishwasher should be in A-one shape now, ma'am.

混合轴,搅拌碗和打蛋器洗碗机。Blending shaft, mixing bowl and whisk are dishwasher safe.

把你的洗碗机和洗衣机装满后再放水,不管满没满,用水量都是一定的。Run your dishwasher and washing machine only with full loads.

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叫电影,香蕉,洗碗机神马的,她也没动静。She also failed to respond to "movie, " "dishwasher" and "banana."

可以配置在洗碗机顶部。可以吸在台板上,晾干。Top rack dishwasher safe. Suction to counter and allow to air dry.

内部固态氧化物燃料电池大概有洗碗机大小。Domestic solid-oxide fuel cells are about the size of a dishwasher.