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这并不一定是灾难。This need not be calamitous.

同时,诺尔和他的哥哥度过了悲惨的一天。Meanwhile, Noel and his brother have a rather calamitous one.

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淮河流域是我国洪涝灾害发生最为频繁、历史上多灾多难的地区之一。Huaihe River Basin is one of the most calamitous area of China.

终日的小雨使得车祸事故比平时都要多。The daylong drizzle made the day slightly more calamitous than most.

历史上的重大水旱灾害对社会的影响足可使整个国家遭灭顶之灾。In history the social effects of the calamitous floods can ruin a country.

地震是破坏力巨大的灾害性自然现象。Earthquake is the calamitous natural phenomena with huge destructive power.

如果石油或者小麦交易量也同样减少,其后果将是灾难性的。If the same thing happened with oil or wheat the results would be calamitous.

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在这个灾难性的增长中,具有标志意义的就是中国机动车的增长。Emblematic of this calamitous development has been the motorisation of Chinese mobility.

玛法里奥跑出丛林去通知其他暗夜精灵关于这灾难性的消息。Emerging from the forest, he went to warn the other night elves of this calamitous news.

名园盛衰转瞬、福兮祸伏的命运,激起的是人们强烈的时间感受和忧患意识。The calamitous fate of famous gardens stirred people's strong feeling of time and hardships.

不能太过强调罗斯威尔事件到底带给我们多少灾难。It can not be stressed too strongly how totally calamitous for us all the Roswell incident was.

接着,他又着笔于,同样是这些官员,为对抗雷曼倒闭引起的灾难性后果所做的非凡努力。He then describes the same officials’ extraordinary efforts to combat the calamitous consequences.

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那是一个他永远无法完成的调查工作,因为在一个不幸的晚上,雷利的世界坍塌了。It was an investigation he never got to complete. Because on one calamitous night, Raley’s world was shattered.

过去短短几个月时间,帝国军队相继在莱特湾、硫磺岛遭到了毁灭性的打击。In the past few months Japan had suffered calamitous setbacks at the Battles of the Philippine Sea, Leyte Gulf, and Iwo Jima.

因为中场的防守可能无效,回收两肋以阻止球过多的横传。Play down the flanks to stop the ball moving across the pitch too much, as interceptions in central midfield can be calamitous.

和平交谈变得难以捉摸,但是这些遭遇使专家们拼凑出了一份有关此人悲剧过去的简介。Peaceful contact proved elusive, but those encounters helped the agents stitch together a profile of a man with a calamitous past.

他为援救贝尔斯登的行为辩解,称之是为了避免灾难性的崩溃。S. central bank helped rescue investment bank Bear Stearns in mid-March, an action he defended as averting a collapse that would have been calamitous.

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泥石流发生是灾害性降雨过程和流域内不稳定的松散物产状与制约水、沙输移的河沟条件所决定的。Debris flow occurrence is determined by the follow factors calamitous rainstorm, unstable loose material state of valley and water-sand restrict condition.

事故处理小组们努力将一根电力线导入站点使电站内重要的水泵恢复运行,让它冷却过热的反应堆,阻止核反应堆的爆炸。Disaster teams managed to get a power line onto the site in an effort to reactivate crucial water pumps to cool overheating reactors and prevent a calamitous meltdown.

这些问题看起来不像会困扰平安。平安在国内成长得很好,但是在国外遭遇了损失。由于他们关于一家欧洲的破产的银行Fortis的不明智的投资。This is unlikely to be a problem for Ping An, which is well-treated at home but found itself lost abroad after a calamitous recent investment in Fortis, a now-dismantled European bank.