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他起床了没有?Is he up yet?

还不知道。Not sure yet.

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还不能运行。Do not run yet.

伟大,伟大,浩气贯苍穹。Is greater yet.

也许还没有。Perhaps not yet.

我到现在还不确定。I’m not sure yet.

至少,现在没有。At least, not yet.

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别放弃。Don't give up yet.

你还讨厌它吗?Doyou hate it yet?

我还要糊弄糊弄他。I'll fool him yet.

尚不支持。Not yet supported.

还有另一个错误。Yet another error.

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我们还没有合为一体。We haven't Xed yet.

上帝还没有来呀!God is not here yet.

现在还没有婴儿呢。There is no baby yet.

但它还是很吸引眼球。Yet it's eye-popping.

何处是吾家?Yet where is my home?

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你还没有上她吗?Did you boink her yet?

她们还没醒呢。They aren't awake yet.

卡蜜儿不在这里?。Camille's not here yet?