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凭票入场。Admission by ticket only.

他们收入场费吗?Do they charge for admission?

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无票不准进入?。No admission without tickets.

你需付2英镑入场费。You have to pay £2 admission.

入园前举行家访。A home visit, before admission.

这在某种程度上是招供。Which in a way is an admission.

所有节目均免费入场。Free admission for all programmes.

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你须付10元人民币入场费。You have to pay RMB10.0 admission.

凭票入场,票价每张10元。Admission by tickets, 10 yuan each.

我毫不迟疑地承认了。I did not hesitate to make the admission.

她忘记带入场券了。She has left her admission ticket behind.

面试吗?录取程序的一部分吗?An interview time? For admission to Brown?

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咱们的方针是不授与专卖权。Our action is not to admission exclusivity.

您办完住院手续了吗?Have you completed the admission procedures?

大学的入学通知书也拿到啦。University admission tickets also get Matata.

出乎意料的是,准考证竟然弄错了!The admission tickets were wrong unexpectedly!

获取录者会由教育局于统一派位结果同时公布。Admission results will be announced by the EDB.

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谁看到新近患者的记录表了?。Anyone seen the floor chart on the new admission?

每张门票只限入场一次。Each ticket is valid for one-time admission only.

您是否曾经被美国拒绝入境或成为递解出境的对象?Have you ever been refused admission to the U. S.