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似乎,这种自然性是卡夫卡式的。It seems that this naturalness is Kafka's.

她怀疑这么一大笔欠帐是否正常。She doubted the naturalness of so large a bill.

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但是,自然性是一个难以理解的范畴。But naturalness is a hard category to understand.

我所指的论述,即奴役的自然演变。I refer to his arguments for the naturalness of slavery.

我想他的诗美妙绝伦而又自然睿智。I think his poems are very beauty, naturalness , and wisdom.

即发生着一场“自然性”与“社会化”之间的战争。A war has broken out between " naturalness" and "socialization".

这篇译文为求准确而不惜牺牲自然流畅。The translation sacrifices naturalness for the sake of accuracy.

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气质美的艺术特征是主体的自然性和社会性。The beauty of disposition shows the naturalness of the main body.

它具有超越性、自然性、永恒性等特征。It bears the characteristics of transcendence, naturalness and eternity.

陶渊明诗歌“癯而实腴”,陶诗叠词平实中透着纤巧,诗意盎然。Tao Yuanming's poems are said to be perfect unity of naturalness and artistry.

我发现事物的自然性是最难达到的目标。I have discovered that the naturalness of things is the hardest goal to achieve.

自然、返朴归真是其最大的特点。Plain and original condition and naturalness are its most major characteristics.

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我们要认识到你所说的自然性的生成机制。We have to identify the mechanisms that bring out what you have called naturalness.

茶师说,打扫庭园不只是要求清洁,也要求美和自然。He said that cleaning garden not only requires cleaness, but also beauty and naturalness.

在悲剧作品中,命运总是伪装在逻辑和自然性之中并自我感觉良好。In a tragic work fate always makes itself felt better in the guise of logic and naturalness.

此景区突出田园风光,农业生态旅游,体现回归自然,返朴归真主题。The scenic spot emphasizes the rurality and agriculture zoology with a theme of naturalness.

希福的自然率真深深地打动了他,“这种‘真’在舞蹈圈里是难能可贵的。”He was impressed by Xi's naturalness and openness, which is lacking in official dance circles.

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拼接代价函数是决定合成音自然度的重要因素之一。The concatenation cost function is a key factor affecting the naturalness of synthesized speech.

三类“一时”应根据其自然度高低确定合适的教学顺序。The three types of "Yishi" sentences should be taught according to their hierarchy of naturalness.

沙威明明有点被马德兰先生的那种恬静、安闲、行若无事的态度窘困了。Javert was evidently somewhat disconcerted by the perfect naturalness and tranquillity of M. Madeleine.