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什么是没有颜色,暗淡无光呢?What is the color of lackluster?

暗淡的外表最多只能算第一个打击。Lackluster looks are only one strike.

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桑弘羊大得武帝赏识,汉朝经济立见起色。These big emperor appreciated the Han economy made lackluster.

去年早些时候,他就开始投资黄金,回报充其量只能算马马虎虎。He started investing in gold early last year, and returns were lackluster at best.

尼罗虽然是个强壮而有能力的打手,但它实际上是个平庸的军事领袖。Though strong and a capable brawler , in truth , Nilo was a lackluster military leader.

分析人士预计增长乏力和高失业率将持续若干年。Forecasters expect lackluster growth and continued high unemployment for a number of years.

迄今零售销售和工业生产等数据大都一直表现欠佳.So far, data such as retail sales and industrial production have been generally lackluster.

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但福田康夫不仅乏味,而且带领一个特别黯淡的政府。But Yasuo Fukuda was not only colorless but headed a particularly lackluster administration.

每隔两、三周我们总会参加一些索然无味,一尘不变的消遣活动——至少从衣着风格方面来说是这样的。Every couple of weeks there come a group of lackluster releases, at least when it comes to style.

自从2006年以来,伊坎就开始持有狮门娱乐股份,并且对公司董事会表现提出不满。Icahn has held Lions Gate shares since 2006 and is frustrated by the stock's lackluster performance.

而作为一个说话温和、不见锋芒的竞选者,他未引起米洛舍维奇凶恶的宣传机器的多少注意。The soft-spoken, lackluster Kostunica drew little attention from Milosevic’s vicious propaganda machine.

毕竟,湖人在以117——97大胜低迷的奇才后,战绩已经跃居联盟的榜首。After all, the Lakers are alone atop the NBA standings after their 117-97 thumping of the lackluster Wizards.

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即便顽固的民主党指责科克利曾经在这里有两位数的领先优势,他也在进行着一场前景黯淡的竞选。Even die-hard Democrats accuse Coakley, who once had a double-digit lead here, of running a lackluster campaign.

推广力度的缺乏让“大老爷们不看浪漫喜剧”这种预言成为了现实。Such lackluster roll-outs make the idea that 'guys won't see a romantic comedy' a kind of self-fulfilling prophecy.

关于小派,虽然他在对上洛矶时表现平平,但却是洋基本季最稳定的投手。Despite his lackluster start in Colorado, Andy Pettitte has been the most consistent starter for the Yankees this year.

首先,是那些并没有意识到基于签名的杀毒软件查杀性能越来越差的人。First off, for those who aren't aware, the performance of signature-based antivirus software is increasingly lackluster.

我是一位落魄的书生,带着穷酸与才华战战兢兢的进京赶考,一如大都赶考的一样,失意而归。I am a lackluster scholar, with scrubby and talent to Beijing fears that exam, as most of the same exam, go home frustrated.

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如果上司对你的工作进步反应平平,或是没有什么反馈,这无疑表明你的工作已经成了例行公事。Lackluster progress reports and not hearing feedback from a supervisor is a good way to tell if your work has become routine.

平板电脑有一段长而暗淡的历史,但这场竞争显示IPad也许能够推动这部分市场的发展。Tablet PCs have a long and lackluster history, but the competition appears to believe the iPad may give this segment a boost.

欧洲和北美的成熟市场去年暴跌后目前仍然低迷,而中国市场却正在快速发展。The Chinese market is booming while mature markets in Europe and North America remain lackluster after nose-diving last year.