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但是红杉市队不这样。Redwood City did not.

我喜欢红木树长得快。I like redwood tree growing fast.

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红杉队的女孩们亦如此。So did the girls of Redwood City.

让红杉可以结籽。It allows redwood trees to bear seeds.

金属、塑料或红杉木制成的草地坐椅。Lawn chair made of metal, plastic or redwood.

针叶树篱,如紫杉、刺柏、红木等。Conifer hedge such as yew juniper redwood etc.

欢迎新老客户定做各款红木家具。Welcome you to custom-tailor our redwood furniture.

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请看“来自红杉树”,的信息。See " From the Redwood Trees " for more information.

今天是古红木树王国向你们问候。It is the Redwood Tree kingdom that greets you today.

我这种耐心,堪与红杉树长年轮媲美。I worked with the patience of a redwood growing rings.

河流的两岸被棉花树和红木树遮蔽住了。Its banks were shaded by cottonwood and redwood trees.

金属、塑料、桃花心木或红杉木制成的安乐椅。Lounge chair made of metal, plastic, mahogany or redwood.

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没有任何一种物种能比巨型红木还要高。No other type of tree grows higher than the Giant Redwood.

褐色落叶几乎都是附近的红木叶。The brownish leaves are mostly from the redwood trees nearby.

农夫带回一株红木小树苗,把它种在盆子里。Nung-fu brought home a redwood seedling and planted it in a pot.

在常规赛初期,红杉队也遇到了麻烦。The trouble for Redwood City started early in the regular season.

研究项目组的成员长在一块巨大的红杉树桩之上。Members of the group stand atop the stump of a giant redwood tree.

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这座森林是美丽的红杉树的家园。This National Monument is home to the beautiful Redwood Tree Forest.

理想主义者说,“我比你更在乎红杉树。The idealist says, "I care more about the redwood trees than you do."

今晚这场红杉树音乐会的主角是女高音朱佳莉。The star of this evening of the Redwood Concert is soprano Julia Zhu.