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探戈是我最喜爱的。Tango is my favorite.

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对不起,我不想跳探戈舞。I don't care for the tango.

他是我的探戈舞启蒙老师。He introduced me to the Tango.

何宝荣在一家同志探戈酒吧工作。Leslie works in a gay Tango Bar.

俱乐部会员和探戈舞者联手!Clubbers and tango dancers unite!

对不起,这曲探戈我已有约在先了。Sorry, I'm engaged for this tango.

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可是那慢步探戈舞已经开始了`。But the slow street tango had begun.

像狐步舞、华尔兹舞、伦巴、探戈等等。Such as fox-trot waltz rumba and tango.

这支曲子适合跳探戈舞。This piece of music is suitable for tango.

我对探戈的激情掩饰着一个恐惧。My passion for tango disguises a fearfulness.

对不起,我已经准许和别人跳^-^这支探戈舞了`。Sorry, I promised someone else in this tango.

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那对夫妻唐歌舞跳得真好。That couple is really great at dancing the tango.

为探戈谱写的一种双拍子乐曲。Music written in duple time for dancing the tango.

一对表演者在表演阿根廷探戈舞。A pair of performers is performing Argentine tango.

Cambalache是阿根廷一首探戈曲目的名字。Cambalache is the name of a Tango song in Argentina.

第三种是探戈华尔兹,叫做华尔兹或者十字华尔兹。The third is tango waltz, called vals or vals cruzado.

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卡洛斯。加维多是卡蜜拉非常欣赏的探戈大师之一。Carlos Gavido is one of Camila's favorite Tango masters.

能赏光请您跳下一个探戈舞吗?。May I have the honor of engaging you for the next tango?

一旦你犯了错误,搞的乱七八糟,你仅仅只要继续跳探戈舞。You make mistake, get all tangled up, you just tango on.