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他富甲天下。He swims in riches.

她炫耀她的财富。She flaunts her riches.

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这就是致富的路子。It's the road to riches.

他声称视财富为粪土。He claims to despise riches.

是一个碎布,以财富故事吗?Is it a rags to riches story?

为什么不利用你们的财富?Why not profit by your riches?

它矿产资源丰富It had tremendous riches in ore.

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他们应有尽有,也不缺财富。They had everything, even riches.

美名胜于财富。A good name is better than riches.

子女是父母的财富。Children nare the parents, riches.

我想在生活中名利双收。I want fame and riches in my life.

这蕴藏着丰富的地热资源。It riches in geothermal resources.

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你的爱让东部的财富不值一文。Or all the riches that East doth hold.

剥削阶级都贪财。The exploiting class lusts for riches.

聪明人享用财富,傻瓜为财富所累。Riches serve a wise but command a fool.

我希望享受世界的丰富多彩。I want to enjoy the riches of the world.

你配得更丰富的属灵财宝吗?Can you be trusted with spiritual riches?

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聪明人使财富为自已服务,傻瓜却任它支配自已。Riches serve a wise man but mands a fool.

财富随年增,身体逐日衰。When riches increase, the body decreases.

不贪财者最能享受财富。He enjoy riches most who needs them least.