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别拍他了,叫醒他就行We won't put him on camera just nudge him.

连接超时,请重新发送闪屏!It's timeout , please click the nudge again!

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人们开始劝说这两口子走开。People began to nudge the couple into going away.

这个细微的触碰将会引起晶体的震颤。This minuscule nudge will set the crys tal vibrating.

大笑着向前走,扬起你的眉毛,推推你的伙伴。Go ahead, laugh, raise your eyebrows, nudge your buddy.

她甚至曾经在白宫将奥巴马推进门去。She even gave Obama a nudge through the door of the White House.

不过,假使你能推动那些可能性往好的方向发展呢?However, what if you could nudge those odds in the right direction?

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我把头靠在她的一侧,一次没有臂膀的拥抱,一个温馨的轻推。I pushed my head into her side, an armless hug, a reassuring nudge.

他们老混在一起,眉来眼去,卿卿我我的。They've been spending a lot of time together, nudge nudge, wink wink.

为了鼓舞外国参加上海世博会,中国的格外”照望“也起了必然襄理。An extra nudge from China to encourage attendance probably helped, too.

我把科林从呼噜声中叫了起来,他嘟囔道,“我要睡觉。”Colin grunts when I try to nudge him awake. 'I need my sleep,' he groans.

外国人必须动用他们的力量促使这个国家变得更加宽容。Foreigners must use their power to nudge the country towards greater tolerance.

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资本市场新近所恢复的识别能力或许将推动他们走向正确的方向。The newly discriminating capital markets may nudge them in the right direction.

专家们对于星群爆发如何能控制所谓赛非星系的产生已经有所了解。Now it seems that starbursts can, in their turn, nudge the galaxies they occur in.

另外最近的kindle和ipad的热卖肯定会进一步推高这个数字。Recent gifts of Kindles and iPads will surely nudge that number higher this winter.

作为网页设计师,我们经常需要把客户引导到我们所希望的样子中去。As Web designers, we often have to nudge people in the direction we want them to go.

可能正如一些人的建议,我们应该只是给予他们一些小激励。Perhaps, as some have suggested, we should merely nudge them with gentle incentives.

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你可能会吃惊的发现,它会让你走出自怜的泥沼,投入到有益的行动中去。You may be surprised that it can nudge you out of self-pity and into helpful action.

卡尔相信是掘金唤醒了一个沉睡的巨人——而他们并未使用暗肘。Karl believes the Nuggets rousted a sleeping giant. And they didn't do it with a nudge.

联邦存款保险公司主席希拉•拜尔暗示本周将再次对银行业进行敦促。Sheila Bair, the FDIC's chairman, indicated this week that banks would be given a nudge.