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“有没有用?”问阿娇,几乎轻松。"There is no use?" asked Gillian, almost lightheartedly.

就那样随随便便地把七十五万英镑扔给了一个朋友。Tossing three quarters of a million lightheartedly to a friend that way.

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主要通过轻松幽默的方式讨论现代女性关注的话题。It generally deals with the issues of modern women humorously and lightheartedly.

当然,我想你可能会说,我要自己闯荡天涯,自由自在,不要男人的束缚。Of course, I think you will say, I want to travel by myself lightheartedly without bondages of men.

让我们创建一个节约型校园,的在这样美好的环境下无忧无虑地学习。Let us create a conservation-minded campus, in order to have a nice environment to study lightheartedly.

朋友们可以较轻松的选择你们感兴趣的物品,捐出善款购买它们。You can lightheartedly select the stuff in which you're interested and make your donation in return for them!

英格兰布莱克浦——一位女士在电话里快活地聊着春暖花开,还有她上周刚度过的81岁生日。BLACKPOOL, England — The woman on the other end of the phone spoke lightheartedly of spring and her 81st birthday the previous week.

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第二天莉莉跑到游乐场,心里轻松极了。她觉得自己能碰到那个古怪的男孩,或者说那个男孩注意到自己,实在是太幸运了!Next day as Lily ran lightheartedly towards the playground she reflected how lucky she was to have met the strange boy – or rather, that he had noticed her.

充满美感的课堂教学不仅能使学生得到美的享受,还能使学生兴趣盎然、轻松愉快地获取知识。The sense of beauty being felt, the English teacher cannot only make students feel enjoyable, but make them gain knowledge interestingly and lightheartedly.

让我们创建一个节约型校园,的在这样美好的环境下无忧无虑地学习。The school is for us students. We should treasure it all. Let us create a conservation-minded campus, in order to have a nice environment to study lightheartedly.

居于现代城市中的孩子,生活在钢筋水泥的森林中,童年的玩乐不再像曾经那样,可以肆意在触手可及的大自然中嬉戏玩耍。Children who are in modern cities live in the forest of reinforced concrete. Their childhood is no longer as free as before, in which they can play lightheartedly in the nature nearby.

但提醒称,“大家应带有保留地看待预测”,这是“用通俗的解释分析法,让分析框架浅显化”的一次尝试。However, they warned "this report should be taken with a pinch of salt" and that it is an exercise to "lightheartedly explain quantitative techniques and demystify the typical quant framework.