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那是一个不真实的记述。That's an untruthful description.

整批变得贪婪和不诚实。The whole batch becomes greedy and untruthful.

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我还不够自私不够残忍不够虚伪么。I am not selfish enough bloodiness enough and untruthful enough ?

一个不真实的回答会给当局者的律师提供又一个整人的口实。An untruthful answer gives authorities another arrow for their attorney's quiver.

这家伙什么时候也变坏了,一定是被风奸商传染地。This guy while too grew aggravate, have to pedal the breeze untruthful trader infection floor.

不真正连带债务分为对内效力和对外效力。There are internal and external validity and effectiveness of untruthful joint and several debt.

调查还发现男性及34岁以下的人是最有可能在申请工作时撒谎的人。The survey found that men and those aged under 34 were most likely to be untruthful when applying for work.

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换言之,经颅磁刺激术可以用来帮助辨别诚实反应和不诚实反应。In other words, the idea is that TMS could be used to help distinguish truthful responses from untruthful ones.

撒谎的人一般不会坐立不安,事实上,研究显示,我们在撒谎时,往往更容易故作镇静。Liars sdon't generally fidget — in fact, research shows we often stay more physically still when we are being untruthful.

而人的认识活动是可变动、具有差异性、层次性的过程,因而“实法”也就是不确定与不真实的。Shifa only exists inside the people's recognition which changes and differs quite often, therefore it is uncertain and untruthful.

其次,从实效性的角度看,不真正连带债务的概念似乎实用性不足。Secondly, from the point of view of effectiveness, the concept of untruthful joint and several debt seems only a luxury furnishings.

在封闭和拥挤的空间里,学生更容易变得不诚实,去抄袭或者剽窃他们朋友的考卷答案。It is easier in an enclosed and crowded space for students who are tempted to be untruthful to copy or crib the answers from their friends.

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申请表中必须陈述如果在申请表中有任何不真实的信息就会被淘汰。The application should contain a statement that points out the existence of any untruthful information may lead to the employee's termination.

黄禹锡去年否认了他所研究使用的人类卵子来自他的研究组的一些下级工作人员,然而上周黄禹锡承认当时他在这件事上说了谎。Last week, he admitted he had been untruthful last year when he denied that human eggs used for his research had come from junior members of his own team.

为了去除数据采样中的不真实数据,根据未确知有理数理论提出了一种新的采样数据的滤波方法。In order to get rid of the untruthful sampled data, a new method data filtering is put forward in accordance with the theory of unascertained rational number.

但??诚实的思维习惯,这种思维习惯如此他令人惬意和自在,就象沦为智力低能一样。But it is more important not to think lies, or to slide into those mechanical and untruthful habits of thought which are so pleasant and so easy as descents to mental ineptitude.

是不去想谎言,也不陷入无意识的、不诚实的思维习惯,这种思维习惯如此他令人惬意和自在,就象沦为智力低能一样。But it is more important not to think lies, or to slide into those mechanical and untruthful habits of thought which are so pleasant and so easy as descents to mental ineptitude.

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不真正连带债务这个概念不具有具有法技术上的意义,不过是将众多的债务在多个主体之间竞合的情形囊括到一起的描绘性概念。It seems that untruthful joint and several debt lack of practicality. The concept of untruthful joint and several debt has not technical significance, but a description of the concept.

律师们称认为联邦调查局向宣判迈克维有罪的法庭不诚实,没有交给法庭与本案有关的所有文件。The defense layers say the Federal Bureau of Investigation has been untruthful with the court that found McVeigh guilty. They say the FBI has not given them all documents related to the case.

造成新闻失实的原因具有复杂性,它不仅和传播者、信源和受众有关,更有广泛的社会、政治、经济原因。The reason for untruthful news is complicated, it is not only associated with the disseminators, information origins and audience, but also with extensively social, political and economical reasons.