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这也是个象形字。It is a pictographic character too.

早期的书写实际上是象形文字。Early writing was pictographic in nature.

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象形拳的一种,是福建地方拳种。A pictographic boxing is Fujian Province in the boxing.

中国字是由“象形字”演变而来。Chinese character is evolved in "pictographic character".

把中国的汉字演变成为象形的世界。The pictographic Chinese characters evolved into the world.

所以东巴文也称做纳西象形文字。The Dongba characters are also called the Naxi pictographic characters.

本课件介绍34个象形文字的演变过程及解释。This IR illustrates the transformation process of 34 pictographic characters.

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“囧”作为汉字中的一员,以象形为构字法,具有相时稳定的意义。"Jiong", as a pictographic Chinese character, has a relatively stable meaning.

这种特色的表达就是人们所知的提喻,它通常在已知的象形文字语言中出现。This feature, known as synecdoche, is common in the known pictographic languages.

“缫”字中有水、缫釜及蚕茧,属象形字。"Reeling" Characters water kettle and reeling cocoon, is a pictographic character.

象征“天堂”的符号“安”,是由一个表示一颗星星的象形文字发展而成的。The symbol for 'heaven' AN has evolved from a pictographic representation of a star.

被誉为“世上唯一存活的象形文字”的是哪种文字?Which of the following is the only pictographic writing system that is still currently in use?

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而众多的峰丛、象形山石等为B级地质遗迹景观。Large numbers of peak clusters and pictographic rocks rank B level in geological vestige landscape.

这中情况在使用象形字体,如日语字体和中文字体时经常遇到。This is most often seen whenincluding pictographic fonts, such as Japanese Kanji or Chinese characters.

在印度河流域地区发现了一个带有象形文字手稿的图案,可是至今还未被破译。Seals with a pictographic script, which has not as yet been deciphered, were found at the Indus Valley sites.

从甲骨文发展到现在的楷体,原来的象形字,实际上已经失去了象形的意义,成了单纯的书写符号。As a matter of fact, the pictographic scripts have lost their original features and become pure written symbols.

象形字比较容易看出造字的道理,但他们不能表达抽象的依稀。It's easier to see the creation of truth through Pictographic characters, but they should not express an abstract meaning.

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中国文献、媒体译介日本人名、地名等专名时,用的是形译法。In Chinese documents and media, the way to translate Japanese proper nouns into Chinese is often a pictographic translation.

从这个时期起,汉字即走上了音意文字阶段,而决非仅仅是象形表意的初级文字阶段。这是关系到汉字的性质问题。From that period, Chines characters were not only in its elementary pictographic stage but has been put on a way of phonography.

上面将装饰以记述原住民过冬的情景,一个描画了TRTL的创建和它的居住者的传统的绘画故事。It will be decorated with a Native winter count, a traditional pictographic story that describes TRTL’s creation and its occupants.