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他的头上是一段拉丁语献词。Above his head is a Latin inscription.

碑文兴起于秦。Inscription originated in Qin Dynasty.

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那在遗址处发现的稀有铭文呢?The rare inscription found at the site?

对古代碑铭文字的研究。He read the inscription before the tomb.

在扉页上题字是送给我的。On the flyleaf was an inscription to me.

他在大理石上刻碑文。He chiselled an inscription on the marble.

牌楼上有汉字题字。The inscription seems to have been worn away.

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山谷流泉摩崖石刻。Mt. Tienchu Valley Stream Spring Rock Inscription.

那只钟上有汉字题词。The bell bears an inscription in chinese characters.

捐献者在它上面刻下了如下铭文。The donor engraved the following inscription upon it.

她送他一本蝴蝶页上有题辞的小说。She sent him a novel with the inscription on the flyleaf.

铭文刻在纪念碑上。The inscription was engraved in the stone of the memorial.

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一会儿呢我们就要去看看他到底临摹得怎么样了。In a moment, we'll see how well he copies this inscription.

这些题字显现了沙家浜反动的意义。希望采用。The inscription is the meaning of shajiabang revolutionary.

该铭文是1926年在非洲利比亚的昔兰尼地方发现的。The inscription was found in 1926 at Cyrene, Libya, Africa.

拿一个银币给我看,这银币有谁的像和号?Show Me a denarius. Whose image and inscription does it have?

下面的文字提示此雕刻为拉美西斯二世的父亲塞提一世。An inscription indicates it depicts Seti I, father of Ramses II.

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此后寡人诏命颁行此铭文于诸行省各地。Afterwards this inscription I sent off everywhere among the provinces.

索达因兵马在手,不容振铭干涉。Dyne clay in the hand, and let not vibration inscription interference.

岁月和风雨早已磨掉纪念碑上的铭文。Time and weather had long ago effaced the inscription on the monument.