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地震岩石学研究分为微观和宏观两个层面。Seismic petrology research includes micro-level and macro-level.

有机岩石学方法是研究煤成油的重要方法之一。Organic petrology is an important method for studying coal formed oil.

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对扇砾岩储层岩石学特征及物性特征进行了分析。The petrology feature and reservoir property of fanglomerate are analyzed.

我想要当个采矿工程师,所以我应当研读岩石学及工程学。I want to be a mining engineer, so I ought to study petrology and engineer.

然后按变质岩石学中所采用的计算方法进行演算。Calcuations are made according to the methods used in metamorphic petrology.

研究了大别山北部榴辉岩的变质岩岩石学。The metamorphic petrology of eclogites from northern Dabie Mountains was performed.

文章简单介绍了粉晶X射线衍射在岩石矿物学研究中的主要应用。The application of powder X-ray diffraction in mineralogy and petrology is reviewed.

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岩石成因说,岩石发展学研究岩石成因的岩石学的一个分支,尤其是…The branch of petrology that deals with the origin of rocks, especially igneous rocks.

目前,宏观层面的地震岩石学研究尚没有形成一套明确的概念和成熟的方法。Till now, macro-level seismic petrology research doesn't form a series definite concept and mature methods.

本期刊是国际性的月刊,内容涉及矿物学、岩石学和地球化学。The international journal provides monthly publication on the fields of mineralogy, petrology and geochemistry.

上述三种形态的微型钟乳石的岩石学特征也表明其是典型的淡水成因形成。Three shapes of the micro-stalactite above mentioned are typical fresh-water sedimentary in features of petrology.

这套潜火山杂岩具过渡性地质地球化学特征。The subvolcanic complex in the orefield has the transitional characteristic in geology, petrology and geochemistry.

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白云岩成因是碳酸盐岩岩石学中最复杂、争论时间最久、最难解决的问题之一。However the origin of dolomite is quite complex and difficult to solve in long term in the domain of carbonate petrology.

侧重于实验产物微量元素的研究将是今后实验岩石学的一个发展方向。Research of the trace elements in the experimental products will be a development trend of experimental petrology in future.

全岩分析与干酪根分析是有机岩石学研究烃源岩的两种分析方法。Whole rock analysis and kerogen analysis are two analytical methods of studying hydrocarbon source rock in organic petrology.

全岩分析与干酪根分析是有机岩石学研究烃源岩的两种分析方法。Whole rock analysis and kerogen analysis are two analytical methods of studying hydrocarbon source rock in organic petrology.

此外,一些过渡型显微组分,如半镜质体和半丝质体的含量也相对高。Another characteristic of coal petrology is that transitional macerals, such as semivitrinite and semifusinite are relatively high.

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有关混合岩及混合岩化作用形成机理的不同认识,至今在地质学和岩石学中仍是一个争论问题。Migmatite and mechanism of migmatization have been controversial issues in the study of geology and petrology for the past so years.

吴崇筠教授是中国石油大学沉积岩石学教学和教材建设的开拓者和奠基者。Prof. Wu Chongyun is the pioneer and founder of teaching and textbook compiling of sedimentary petrology in China University of Petroleum.

通过对火山岩岩石学特征分析,将火山岩岩相划分为火山角砾岩柑、火山熔岩相、火山灰相和火山沉积相。The analysis of volcanic petrology indicates that the volcanic lithofacies can be divided into volcanic breccia, lava, ash and sedimentary ones.