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阿森纳门将位置至今悬而未决。The position of goalkeeper is moot.

不过,关于“何时”的问题将也是没有实际意义的。But then, too, the question of “when” will be moot.

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但是就算你谨遵说明使用电子香烟,它的戒烟效果依然有待商榷。But following directions with e-cigarettes may be moot.

少数模范人物的神话把这些差异全都抹煞了。The model minority myth renders all those distinctions moot.

在此情况下,应用程序之间的任何共享问题显然可以解决。In this case, any questions of sharing between applications are obviously moot.

它现在已经偶尔以第二个太阳的形式被看见了,因而该问题无实际意义。It is already being seen, on occasion, as a Second Sun, so this question is moot.

以流行与否作为一个定义是否成功的标准还有待讨论。Whether popularity is good measure of the success of a definition is a moot point.

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我们都有同样地文件,特别是.htaccess文件,没有实际意义。We all have the same files anyway, especially the . htaccess file so, it's rather moot.

不过,出乎撇号形象护卫者的意料,撇号的地位一直尚待讨论。But, contrary to what defenders of the apostrophe imagine, its status has long been moot.

事实上,数字科技很有可能让这些问题变得毫无意义。In fact, it’s quite possible that digital technology will make this particular problem moot.

香港普通市民是否能直接受益于经济繁荣是一个有争议的问题。Whether ordinary Hong Kong citizens benefit directly from the economic boom is a moot point.

还要考虑到这一点,“维埃拉问题”仍悬而未决。不过有一点是肯定的,两个法国人可谓知己知彼。With that in mind, the question of whether a man of Vieira's stature would be present is moot.

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但是制造商们正在努力生产无档的涡轮机,如此一来限制条件就不复存在了。Manufacturers are moving toward gearless turbines, however, so that limitation may become moot.

对此,我们是否可以理解为,在朱拜勒乙烯将出口或提供给其它集团?不得而知。Whether this ethylene will exported or supplied to other complexes in Al-Jubail is a moot point.

只是这些国家的利益是否与世界更广泛国家的利益一致还不确定。Whether the interests of these countries coincide with those of the wider world, though, is moot.

生态学家在一篇评论中表示,本土物种和外来物种之间的区别正逐渐显得不那么重要。In a commentary, ecologists say that the native-versus-nonnative issue is becoming a moot question.

课题研究模式的实施过程包括开题阶段、实施阶段和结题阶段。Subject study model includes discussions on hot issues, case study, brainstorming and moot court, etc.

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是的,电脑键盘输入让令人生畏的多笔的汉字书写毫无意义了。It's true that computer keyboarding has now made the dreaded writing of multi-stroke-characters mostly moot.

我们到底在做什么、我们有没有取得成功,这些,对于士兵们来说,都是毫无意义的问题。The issue as to what we’re doing there, or whether we’re being at all successful, is moot to these soldiers.

谷歌本周的确发布了品牌页--是Slate的页面--但在此时这种努力是毫无意义的。Google did finally release brand pages this week—here’s Slate’s page—but at this point the effort might be moot.