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蒙大拿州的大角羊。Bighorn sheep in Montana.

图为春季大角羊被放牧到草场上。Bighorn sheep browse on spring grass.

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一群加拿大盘羊和我们一起吃了早餐。A herd of bighorn sheep joined us for breakfast.

话音刚落,20英尺外一只大角山羊奔跑着从停车场穿过。Just then, a bighorn sheep runs across the parking lot, 20 feet away.

在黄石国家公园拉马尔山谷里,大角羊对那里的北美小狼作出了反应。Bighorn sheep react to a coyote in the Lamar Valley in Yellowstone National Park.

这个国家公园也是麋鹿、加拿大盘羊、大灰熊和落基山脉其他动物群的栖息地。The park is also home to elk, bighorn sheep, grizzly bears, and other Rocky Mountain fauna.

有一位用户添加了一条位于丹佛北部的路线,他提醒车友们说“小心途中的大角羚羊”。One user, who added a route just west of Denver warned drivers to "watch for bighorn sheep".

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在北洛基山脉以外,数以百计的大角羊死于肺炎。Across the northern Rocky mountains, bighorn sheep are dying in their hundreds from pneumonia.

当然,您在专注划桨之外,还可以尽情欣赏沿途的加拿大盘羊和水面的鳟鱼。Then, rather than fixating on oar placement, you can set your gaze on bighorn sheep and surfacing trout.

在蒙大拿的大角羊峡谷国家娱乐区,闪电在夜空中割出一道锯齿状的线。Lightning cuts a jagged line through the evening sky in Montana's Bighorn Canyon National Recreation Area.

几年前他在修剪草地的车道上还能规律性地看到母加拿大角羊带着小羊羔在大声咀嚼和嬉戏玩耍。A few years back he routinely found bighorn ewes and lambs munching and frolicking on the manicured parkways.

干,连绵起伏的丘陵上升到松树林,然后领域的野花,因为我们使我们进入了大角范围。Dry, rolling hills rose into pine forest and then fields of wildflowers as we made our way into the Bighorn range.

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我们见过数以百计的吸引游客的麋鹿和大角羊,然而他们仍能引起一番奇观。We have seen hundreds of the elk and bighorn sheep that attract visitors, yet they still arouse a sense of wonder.

这个国家公园里栖息着包括海狸、麋鹿、加拿大盘羊以及各种鸟类等动物。A wide variety of animals inhabit the park, including beaver, elk, and bighorn sheep, as well as many bird species.

麦克唐纳湖边围绕着常绿的红雪松和铁杉,也有很多大角羊,山野山羊,黑熊和麋鹿。McDonald around the lake evergreen red cedar and hemlock, and many bighorn sheep, mountain goats, black bear and elk.

研究人员在来自怀俄明州毕葛红盆地的5000多块叶子化石中寻找疤痕证据。The researchers looked for evidence of these scars in more than 5,000 leaf fossils from the Bighorn Basin in Wyoming.

在1876年,印地安苏族酋长「疯马」连同另一名酋长「坐牛」在「小巨角」战役中打败了卡斯特将军和其军团。In 1876, the Sioux leader Crazy Horse joined forces with Sitting Bull to defeat General Custer and his army at Little Bighorn.

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落基山脉是一个非常大的山脉。黑熊、大角野山羊和山狗都住在落基山脉。我们还可以看到许多花。The Rockies are very big mountains. Black bears, bighorn sheep and coyotes live in the Rockies. We can see a lot of flowers, too.

火车缓慢地驶进了崎岖的山脉中,车窗外有成群的巨角羊,麋鹿和壮观的群峰。The train begins gently to carve its way into the craggy mountains, revealing clusters of bighorn sheep, elk and increasingly impressive peaks.

一群大角羊跟我们一起共进早餐,秃鹫和金雕从它们的栖息处瞪着我们,美洲河乌则从一块块岩石上轻快地掠过。A herd of bighorn sheep joined us for breakfast. Bald and golden eagles glared at us from their perches as American dippers flitted from rock to rock.