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我挖苦地笑着。I smiled wryly.

他挖苦地一笑。He smiled wryly.

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“那就试试咖啡”,昂山素季苦笑着说。"We could always try coffee," she says wryly.

母亲苦笑着,挣出手来,替他摘掉衣服上的一片草叶…His mother smiled wryly and reached out to brush a leaf off his clothes.

“我们试着将顺位提高到57位或者56位。”总经理米奇库布切克上个星期挖苦地说。"We're trying to move up to 57 or 56, " Lakers General Manager Mitch Kupchak said wryly last week.

有时候,盖茨会因为部下干得不够好就打发他走人,并在辞退备注里面讽刺地写上“没听说过有这个人”。He sometimes fires people for simply not doing a good job, “unheard-of in government service, ” he wryly notes.

我一直记得,当我们要去南塔基特岛时,我丈夫挖苦我是否把我的游泳连衣裙带好了。I'll never forget when my husband wryly asked if I packed my 'Swimming Frock' when we were heading out to Nantucket.

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一月份,投票支持实地教学方法是“你能从教员里能得到的热情”,Nohria讽刺的说。In January, the vote in favour of trying the field method was “as enthusiastic as you could get from a faculty,” says Mr Nohria, wryly.

她躺在床上,冥思苦索着命运无法预料的变化,沉思着可怜的、没人要的卡门,默想着她自己没有一个可以让她娇惯、教育、宠爱和责备的对象。Lying in bed, she mused wryly on the quirks of fate. On little, unwanted Carmen and herself with no one she could spoil and teach and comet and scold.

他期待「性别发育异常」这个新医学名词有著他所谓的「有趣的副作用」,因此「医界应该在临床上以这个名词来描述不明的性别。」He expects the new, medicalized terminology for DSD to have what he describes wryly as "an interesting side effect, " in which "medical science should apply" to clinical decisions about ambiguous sex.