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每个人都是一个月亮,都有他不可示人的阴暗的一面。The people who in love always have a strop.

滑速是滑索设计的关键。Sliding speed is key to the design of strop ropeway.

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我卷起我的衬衫袖子,拿起磨刀皮带。I rolled up my shirtsleeves and picked up the razor strop.

这是我父亲的老磨刀皮带,我用它来刮脸并且在我的孩子们需要的时候打他们一顿屁股。It is my father's old razor strop that I use for shaving and when one my boys needs to be spanked.

我的女儿一般是一个阳光明媚的,可爱的孩子,为什么上做文章时,她抛出一个偶然的滑索?My daughter is generally a sunny, sweet child, so why make a fuss when she throws an occasional strop?

经过初步磨练后,我开始了写作,意识到尊敬是必须通过努力来争取的。After an initial strop , I started writing anyway, realising that respect was something that had to be earned.

对存在大于允许大小缺陷的心轨及时隔离,禁止流转。Timely separate the point rail having defects out the tolerance and strop it from going into the next processing step.

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他已经26岁了,如果他真的那样做了,那么他实在不应该这样对待一个14岁的孩子。"He's a 26-year-old man and he shouldn't really have a strop at a 14-year-old if that's what he's really done, " he said.

滑索为极限运动,充满速度感和刺激性,项目投资少、见效快、经济效益显著。Strop is a kind of extreme sport full of speed sense and excitability. The project is profitable with small investment and rapid economic return.

滑索、滑草、滑道等休闲游憩项目,集惊险、刺激、趣味于一体,让旅游者留连忘返。Strop Skiing slides and other leisure and entertainment projects set thrilling exciting and interesting group of tourists lingers for a long time.

汤姆-克鲁斯和凯蒂-赫尔姆斯的五岁女儿小苏瑞被人看见在纽约的一家玩具店里和妈妈大发脾气,还哭得梨花带雨。The five-year-old daughter of Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes is seen here becoming tearful after apparently getting into a strop with her mother in a New York toy store.