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我们从伊利艾斯走到伊戈尔山。We walked from Ely to Eagle Mountain.

在伊利,明尼苏达州,有一个国际狼中心是向游客开放。In Ely , Minnesota, there is an International Wolf Center that is open to visitors.

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1963年他毕业于伊利的白松高中,大部分课程得分是C、D和F。He graduated from White Pine High School in Ely 1963, getting mostly C's, D's and F's.

目前约有6千人在整个内华达州,多数在雷诺市、维尼慕卡、艾尔柯和艾里。There are approximately 6,000 of them in Nevada, mainly in Reno, Winnemucca, Elko and Ely.

伊利将此前已有的宪法解释方法概括成“解释主义”和“非解释主义”两种模式。Ely would have had broad interpretation of the Constitution as "interpretivism" and "noninterpretivism, " in two modes.

贝琳达还有一个姐姐和一个弟弟,他们在格兰伊利高中读书,后来都成了护工。Belinda, who has an older sister and younger brother, attended Glan Ely high school and afterwards became a care worker.

伊利强烈质疑允许公司通过将优先股转换成普通股来改善资产负债表。Mr. Ely was particularly skeptical about letting companies bolster their balance sheets by converting preferred shares to common.

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格伦。克迪斯也成立了一支表演队,当中有传奇人物林肯。Glenn Curtiss also formed an exhibition team which included Eugene Ely and Bechwith Havens, as well as the legendary Lincoln Beachey.

伊利教授提出自己的观点,即疏通政治变革的渠道,和保障少数群体的代表权。Professor Ely put forward his own opinions, that wee clearing the channels of political changes, facilitating the representation of minorities.

“这不能增加一美元的缓冲资金来抵消损失”伊利抱怨道“这只是把钱从一个地方移到了另一个地方。”“That won’t add one extra dollar to a bank’s capital buffer against losses, ” Mr. Ely complained. “It’s just moving capital from one place to another.”

通过在两艘巡洋舰上临时搭建起的平台,伊利分别在1910年11月和1911年1月成功展示了从舰船上起飞和降落的能力。With temporary platforms rigged on two cruisers, Ely demonstrated the ability to take off from a ship in November 1910 and made a landing in January 1911.

现在我们就联系起来,把这个热力学量,不容易理解的,你们谈论热力学时。That's what it is. You've got this connection now between this variable, which is sort of hard to really intuiti ely understand, when you're talking about thermodynamics.

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我公司是内蒙古伊利实业集团下属潍坊地区分支机构,负责伊利冷饮在潍坊及其周边地区的销售工作。Our company is the Inner Mongolian Ely industry group subordinate Weifang area Branch office, is responsible for the Ely cold drink in Weifang and the peripheral locality sales work.

本文运用历史考察和社会学分析的研究方法,对伊利的程序主义宪法解释方法理论进行了整体性的研究。This paper uses historical observation and the analysis of the sociology research methods, and procedures of the Ely interpretation of the Constitution the theory of the overall study.

从1899年美国伊利洛斯州制定了世界上第一部少年法庭法至今,少年司法制度的产生与发展已经有了上百年的历史。The juvenile judicial system has existed for over one hundred years since its emergence in 1899 when the first law about juvenile court was made in Ely Lowes state of the United States.

他认为这家公司通过制造智能光电池能使太阳能与煤的竞争力相当。professor Ely Sachs gave up his faculty position to go all-in on a company that he believes can make solar energy competitive with coal via smart photovoltaic manufacturing. Larry Greenemeier reports