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你可以说,麦可的服装让他平易近人。You might say that Michael is clothed in "approachability."

他的滑稽动作和个性带来了一定的可接近到严峻课题。His antics and personality brought a certain approachability to a grim subject.

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深色调给人一种权威的感觉,而清淡柔和的色调使人感到亲切。Dark colors give an aura of authority while lighter pastel shades suggest approachability.

荷兰的报纸纷纷担心这会带来王室开放和亲和态度的终结。Dutch newspapers feared the end of an era of openness and approachability from the monarchy.

优雅,温和,饱满的丹宁使得该酒平易近人。Elegant and supple tannins on the palate give the wine gentle structure with approachability.

这些富洞察力的设计激发起一种乐观、平易近人、热情和友好的精神。These perceptive designs evoke a sense of optimism and approachability , warmth and friendliness.

男性和女性选民的最大区别是他们如何看待候选人的平易近人。The biggest difference between male and female voters was in how much they valued approachability.

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除了树立开放、亲民的档案馆形象外,还应当构造来源广泛、大众化的传播内容。Apart from openness and approachability , ideal archives should be armed with extensive and popularized contents of communication.

对于男性选民来说,“能力”是他们在选举男候选人时所考虑的最主要因素,而对于女候选人而言,除了能力之外,是否容易接近也十分重要。For men voting for male candidates it was all about competence whereas for women it was a mixture of competence and approachability.

结合了创新意识与平易之感的它,被人们亲切地冠以“我们的地方”的称号,以此来颂扬新西兰及其人民的实质精神。Combining innovation and approachability , it's affectionately dubbed "Our Place", celebrating the essence of New Zealand and its people.

新算法在一定程度上减小了局部线形化的截断误差,提高了建议分布的逼近程度。Hence, the truncated error of the local linearization is reduced in certain degree and the approachability of proposal distribution is enhanced.

它旨在传达一种意义上的有效性和渐近性,并引导旅客顺利从下层到上层建筑。It is designed to convey a sense of arrival and approachability , and to guide the visitors smoothly from the basement level into the superstructure.

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研究人员让研究对象根据能力、吸引力和可接近度等一系列因素对这些候选人进行评分,分值范围为1至7分,代表“一点不好”到“非常好”几个等级。They were asked to rate them on a number of factors including competence, attractiveness and approachability on a scale of one to seven, from 'not at all' to 'very much'.

我要买基本简单法则并且在圣诞节的时候送给我的朋友,这本书简洁易懂,是送给忙碌的企业家的最好礼物。I'm buying several copies of The Laws of Simplicity and giving them to friends for Christmas. Its approachability and brevity make it a great gift for the busy entrepreneur.

「点心机器人」专为收集机器人与人类互动的资讯而设计,从身高到颜色每个细节都经周详考量,以赋予最大亲和力。Designed to gather information on how robots interact with people the snackbot has been carefully considered for maximum approachability in every detail from its height to its color.

他们收集了2006年以来的国会候选人的照片,让由73位大学生组成的小组去评估这些候选人的竞争能力,领导能力,人格魅力以及亲和力。They collected photos of congressional candidates from 2006 and asked a panel of 73 college students to rate the candidates for competence, dominance, attractiveness and approachability.

她能使每个接触她的人受到鼓励、感到温暖,使人们感到整个生命存在的真实感。Her sincerity and honesty, amiability and approachability is shocking everyone, from which, people could be encouraged, feel sense of warmth, and feel sense of reality of the existence of life.