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我吃包子!I like bun!

我喜欢牛肉。I like beef.

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我喜欢蜜蜂。I like bees.

我喜欢猫。I like cats.

我很喜欢中国。I like China.

我很欣赏艾琳。I like Irene.

我喜欢腌猪肉。I like bacon.

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我喜欢飞的。I like flies.

我喜欢蛀虫。I like moths.

我冷若冰霜。I'm like ice.

象折纸手工?Like origami?

喜欢画画?Like to draw?

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喜欢钓鱼吗?Like to fish?

你吃包子吗?You like bun?

和我一样黑。Black like me.

我喜欢布拉姆斯。I like Brahms.

我喜欢雪碧。I like Sprite.

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我喜欢秋季。I like autumn.

我喜欢枫树。I like maples.

我要汤。I'd like soup.