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这些产品在我们的市场中有售。These items are most sellable in our market.

这些产品在我们这的市场上最畅销。These items are most sellable in our market.

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一定会在你方市场卖得很好的。They are sure to be sellable in your market.

这些商品在我方市场最为畅销。These items are the most sellable in our market.

我们的台布价格优惠,在贵方市场上非常好卖。Our tablecloth is modestly priced and quite sellable in your market.

他有着一个很有卖点的故事,但具体能走多远还需拭目以待。He has a sellable story, but whether he can deliver remains to be seen.

“永久”牌变速赛车当然也适合在你们那的市场上销售。Forever" multiple speed racing bicycle are sure to be sellable in your market."

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“永久”牌变速赛车当然也适合在你们那的市场上销售。"Forever" multiple speed racing bicycles are sure to be sellable in your market.

“永久”牌变速赛车在您的市场中一定热销。“Forever” multiple speed racing bicycles are sure to be sellable in your market.

作为一种可销售的特质,即时享用有多种层次,包括能获得beta版。As a sellable quality, immediacy has many levels, including access to beta versions.

现在猎人有的所有子弹都将变成灰色、可以出售的物品。Any ammunition that a hunter has at the time of the change will become gray sellable items.

我们的产品质量上乘,价格适中,在您的市场中一定热销。Our products are superior in quality and moderate in price and are sure to be sellable in your market.

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我们的产品质量好,价格低廉,一定会在您的市场上热销。Our products are superior in quality and moderate in price and are sure to be sellable in your market.

我们的产品质量上乘,价格适中,相信在我们那的市场会很畅销。Our products are superior in quality and moderate in price and are sure to be sellable in your market.

她说,她特别的夹克和裤子纤细的光泽,而她认为那都是采取别致和卖点。She says she was especially taken with the jackets and the shiny slim pants, which she thought were both chic and sellable.

而且在升附魔时不用一直附同样的魔,可以把附魔材料卖掉。Also while you level enchanting, you can make them into a sellable item instead of re-enchanting the same item over and over again.

第四十八条可供出售权益工具投资发生的减值损失,不得通过损益转回。Article 48 The impairment-related losses incurred to a sellable equity instrument investment shall not be reversed through profits and losses.

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可供出售外币货币性金融资产形成的汇兑差额,应当计入当期损益。The gap arising from the foreign exchange conversion of a sellable cash financial asset in any foreign currency shall be recorded into the profits and losses of the current period.

如果所写的英文在美国达不到能卖的水平,那么由中文作品翻译而成的英文在美国也不能卖。If the English written does not reach the standard which is sellable in the United States, then, the Chinese works translated in English could also not be able to sell in the United States.

可供出售权益工具投资的现金股利,应当在被投资单位宣告发放股利时计入当期损益。The cash dividends of the sellable equity instrument investments shall be recorded into the profits and losses of the current period when the investee announces the distribution of dividends.