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另外一个低效率的地方是字节拷贝。The other inefficiency is in byte copying.

他说,“整个体制由于缺乏效率而步履蹒跚。The system is staggering in its inefficiency.

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这个邮政所服务效率太低,使我很反感。The inefficiency of the post office bothers me.

这导致了她一直在浪费时间和工作效率。This results in waste of time and inefficiency.

另一个障碍是研究过程效能低下。Another hurdle is the inefficiency of the process.

这显然是人浮于事、浪费物力以及效率低下。It's clear redundancy wastefulness and inefficiency.

这种效率和成本是不能接受的。This level of inefficiency and cost is unacceptable.

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目前,我国农村信用社效率低下已成为不争的事实。It is indicated that the inefficiency of RCCs is very prevalent.

这种低效率可能会促使鱼的数量下降。Such inefficiency could contribute to declines in their numbers.

存在着签订低效益和费钱合同的可能。There is a potential for inefficiency and uneconomical contracting.

软预算约束导致国有企业低效率。Soft budget constraint causes inefficiency in state-owned enterprises.

对经济事务的官僚化管理,其效率低下早已有目共睹。The inefficiency of the bureaucratic conduct of affairs is proverbial.

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报纸行业危机的真正根源是互联网正在惩罚报纸行业的低效率。What's really going on is that the Internet is punishing inefficiency.

我们应该尽力消除政府中的贪赃枉法。We should try to clear graft, waste and inefficiency out of government.

政府失败——由于一些政府行为产生的无能表现。Government failure---An inefficiency produced by some government action.

每一个办公室都有偏袒,低效,错误决定的现象。Every office has its share of favoritism, inefficiency and dumb decisions.

当我还是一个年轻的竞技攀手的时候我就学会了精炼有效的攀爬。As a young competition climber, I learned to pare away slop and inefficiency.

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至于在送礼人和受礼人间的年龄差异的增加,确实会变得效率低下。As the age difference between giver and recipient grew, so did the inefficiency.

这不仅仅是降低部门级ICT成本以及低效率的计划。This is not just a plan to reduce the cost and inefficiency of departmental ICT.

采用波长重路由技术可以减少波长连续性限制对网络性能的影响。In order to weaken the inefficiency of the constraint, wavelength rerouting is used.