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我们使用刀和叉.We use knives and forks.

刀是怎样变锋利的?How are knives sharpened?

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我们用刀来切割。We use knives for cutting.

在中国,刀和布匹被当作钱用。In China, cloth and knives.

屠夫需利刃。A butcher needs sharp knives.

修辞之刀被拔出了。The rhetorical knives are out.

刀子是被用来削铅笔的。Knives are used to cut pencils.

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刀是用来削东西的。Knives are employed to cut stuffs.

史前人用打火石刀。Prehistoric man used flint knives.

他们用刀切开了他的肌肉。They lanced his flesh with knives.

他们以小刀换金沙。They trucked knives for gold dust.

别把刀叉碰得咔嗒响。Don't clatter your knives and forks.

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把这些刀磨一磨,他们已经钝了。Grind these knives , they are blunt.

快刀不磨黄锈起。Knives get rusty when not sharpened.

刀叉倒是摆得满满的。But they got a lot of forks ' knives.

晚饭准备好了。你的刀子和叉子。Dinner's ready! Your fors and knives.

晚饭准备好了。你的叉子和餐刀。Dinner's ready. Your forks and knives.

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他们彼此间用钢刀相互挥刺。They stab it with their steely knives.

这些刀都是绝对致命的。All these knives are absolutely lethal.

不要玩剪刀或美工刀。Don't play with scissors or pen knives.