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某些人崇拜权力如神。Some people deify power.

你也可以奉为神啊!You can deify them as Gods, too.

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并非人人都会神化肯尼迪。I don't think anybody will deify kennedy.

自然是如何用少而廉的力量神化我们的呢?。How does Nature deify us with a few and cheap elements!

秦王朝的统治思想是一种杂家思想,它利用宗教神学思想来神化统治。It makes use of theology thought of the religion to deify and rule.

我们尊崇独立固执,给它们错误的称号。We deify independence and wilfulness and call them by the wrong name.

一条贯穿古镇的大路也因此被人们奉为神路。Perforative the highroad of ancient town also accordingly by people deify road.

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一些监工甚至要求工人们对印有他们名字的徽章顶礼膜拜。Some supervisors even require the workers to deify their supervisor's name badges.

埃及人神化时间概念的详情是值得人们关注的。The detail to which Egyptians sought to deify the concept of time is worthy of note.

尽管他们的艰苦奋斗和坚强意志值得尊敬,但因此就将他们奉若神明似乎有些草率。While their hard work and perseverance are often admirable, I wouldn't be too quick to deify.

泛灵论、自然主义泛神论、盖亚理论——崇拜自然世界的信仰形形色色。From animism to naturalistic pantheism, there are various belief systems that deify the natural world.

秦王朝的统治思想是一种杂家思想,它利用宗教神学思想来神化统治。The rule thought of Oin Dynasty is a kind of eclectic thought. It makes use of theology thought of the religion to deify and rule.

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企图把人称为伟人神化的人应该是别有用心之人或者有着某种情结的人。Attempt to deify the man known as the great man who should be the ulterior motives of the person or people with some kind of complex.

她的女性观就是拒绝简单的男性与女性,传统与现代的二元对立,拒绝对女性的神化和丑化。The female view refuses the simple opposition between the female and the male or tradition and modern, refuses to deify and uglify the female.

那么白手起家的又如何呢?我们是否应该更敬重他们一些?尽管他们的艰苦奋斗和坚强意志值得尊敬,但因此就将他们奉若神明似乎有些草率。What about the self-made rich? Shouldn't we be more impressed by them? While their hard workperseverance are often admirable, I wouldn't be too quick to deify.

中国的古代帝王们常常把自己与龙联系在一起,借以神化其至高地位和权威,在衣食住行的各个方面都深深打上了龙的标记。The Chinese ancient emperors tended to connect themselves with dragons to deify their supreme status and authority. They were marked deeply with dragons in dressing, diet and dwelling.

撒旦认为对上帝放低身段,屈膝承欢,并认可他的力量实在是可耻的,但是这种屈从之所以是耻辱,并非是因为通常身段被贬低时会感到耻辱。Satan finds it ignominious and shameful to lower himself to God, to bow and sue for grace with suppliant knee and deify His power, but this kind of submission is shameful not because it's simply always shameful so to debase oneself.