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她痛恨地看著他。She looked at him with abhorrence.

可惜无论是什么样的装假,我都痛恨。But disguise of every sort is my abhorrence.

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其间的利润啊,惹得天怒人怨!With God and man's abhorrence for its gains.

苏格兰人在整个欧洲被人厌恶。Scots are held in abhorrence all over Europe.

苏格兰人在整个欧洲被人厌恶。Scots were held in abhorrence all over Europe.

只恐我在睡中把你丧失了。I abhorrence lest I lose you when I am sleeping.

苏格兰人在整个欧洲被人厌恶。The Scots are held in abhorrence all over Europe.

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苏格兰人在整个欧洲被人厌恶。The Scots were held in abhorrence all over Europe.

我对分离和类似的事情是极端厌恶的。I have a deadly abhorrence of partings and such like.

单萍萍的目光里面闪烁着一丝厌恶之情。The vision of list Ping Ping in sparkle one silk abhorrence of feeling.

食草男是时髦的都市美男,厌恶武术。Herbivore man is a dandy metrosexual with an abhorrence of martial arts.

美国对日本军国主义的厌恶不能算进种族主义范畴。American abhorrence of Japanese military culture was hardly standard racism.

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朱莉娅和她的朋友们非常憎恨所谓的“庞特街”。Julia and her friends had a fascinated abhorrence of what they called "pont street".

矛盾的是,杰瑞对亏损的痛恨来自他的父亲。Paradoxically, Jerry's abhorrence of losses stems from the sad example of his father.

当时,我对同学们身在大学校园却不好好读书的行为深恶痛绝。At that time, my students are in college campuses do not make good reading of abhorrence.

“拒打”名单的流行和对垃圾邮件的厌恶充分证明了这点。The popularity of 'no call' lists and our abhorrence for spam attests to this preference.

他的绝对公正和疾恶如仇赢得了群众的信任和拥护。His absolute fairness and abhorrence of evil won him the confidence and support of the masses.

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你越惧怕气象变更,税收或配额的力度就应越强。The more you abhorrence cliacquaintance cadheree, the more acrimonious the tax or quota should be.

尽管痛恨他的言语,电影节的组织者还是尽可能向更多的名人献殷勤。Despite its abhorrence of his comments, the festival courts the spotlight as much as any celebrity.

罗瑞先生立即想了起来,用并不掩饰的厌恶之情望了望新来的客人。Mr. Lorry immediately remembered, and regarded his new visitor with an undisguised look of abhorrence.